condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	4.8166	4.8166	4.8166
Immature male cones	21.0497	21.0497	21.0497
Cambium and expanding xylem	33.3093	33.3093	33.3093
Cambium	125.67923333333333	59.0187	202.922
Expanding xylem	25.9609	22.8913	28.9544
Expanding and mature xylem	65.4219	33.8705	94.6638
Maturing xylem	60.153	60.153	60.153
Wood	44.7561	37.8462	51.666
Bark	16.629816857142856	2.49379	38.1453
Bark, healthy	17.375766	2.17616	54.1146
S1 xylem tracheids	97.465975	94.4465	99.2085
S1 whole sections	31.301099999999998	28.3469	36.0909
S2 ray cells	22.202849999999998	21.9024	23.0432
S2 xylem tracheids	32.653975	30.5821	34.0385
S2 whole sections	24.592025	22.7516	26.4388
Dead late wood	231.037	231.037	231.037
Phloem and cambium	0.207079	0.207079	0.207079
Dear early and late wood	60.8764	60.8764	60.8764
Bark, root and butt rot	46.07626	22.003	77.023
Vegetative shoots - needles	181.5115	130.382	232.641
Vegetative shoots - stem	81.8729	81.8729	81.8729
Vegetative shoots	19.01703575	0.0920715	37.942
Girdled twig - stem	107.378	107.378	107.378
Dried twig - needles	6.59826	6.59826	6.59826
Girdled twig - needles	101.608	101.608	101.608
Needles	11.366066055555555	0.394624	78.657
Needles - dawn	235.184	235.184	235.184
Needles - later afternoon	147.982	147.982	147.982
Needles - midday	223.82	223.82	223.82
Needles - night	166.885	166.885	166.885
Light, 1 hour	11.171943333333333	7.78566	13.9624
Light, 3 hours	9.550213333333332	5.60044	12.2816
Light, 5 hours	10.986433333333334	6.9786	15.6249
Light, 7 hours	13.884633333333333	12.5357	16.2301
Light, 9 hours	12.387773333333332	9.71572	17.6516
Light, 13 hours	9.201016666666668	4.16495	12.2675
Light, 15 hours	10.09769	9.54377	10.6201
Darkness, 1 hour	9.425016666666666	4.02621	17.2521
Darkness, 3 hours	8.38646	6.67421	10.8603
Darkness, 5 hours	7.3302966666666665	4.37923	11.7382
Darkness, 7 hours	9.866119999999999	6.21493	16.1605
Darkness, 11 hours	8.258183333333333	3.41204	12.279
Vegetative buds	3.34302	1.45812	4.73501
Female buds	1.9272710000000002	0.640513	3.04659
Male buds	0.177043	0.0	0.399554
Buds	10.705465	4.14933	17.2616
Pineapple galls	11.5489	11.5489	11.5489
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	45.97492222222222	25.0953	56.3154
Somatic germinants - normal type	53.319985	35.6963	110.24
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	47.76766666666666	37.8627	55.6696
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	12.059516666666667	9.57015	13.3928
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	16.614366666666665	14.4538	19.4547
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	67.0719	60.8047	72.6025
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	96.94806666666666	83.8692	105.877
Cell culture - solid medium	33.09063333333334	31.8975	34.0922
Somatic embryogenic cell line	0.016637111111111113	0.0	0.149734