condition mean min max Immature female cone 113.544 113.544 113.544 Immature male cones 64.731 64.731 64.731 Cambium and expanding xylem 11.1747 11.1747 11.1747 Cambium 32.0595 23.9662 43.9763 Expanding xylem 14.62777 9.18638 19.7451 Expanding and mature xylem 17.219925 15.3995 18.5711 Maturing xylem 36.0651 36.0651 36.0651 Wood 32.9358 24.0216 41.85 Bark 44.16473714285714 15.357 106.972 Bark, healthy 212.98448 69.2964 419.285 S1 xylem tracheids 83.423 79.8764 87.6193 S1 whole sections 46.1607 41.8471 53.7592 S2 ray cells 77.629425 71.616 85.2748 S2 xylem tracheids 78.58517499999999 71.6758 86.5016 S2 whole sections 43.809475 39.7816 46.5786 Dead late wood 54.6555 54.6555 54.6555 Phloem and cambium 3.78889 3.78889 3.78889 Dear early and late wood 35.7855 35.7855 35.7855 Bark, root and butt rot 161.08652 28.0486 318.977 Vegetative shoots - needles 16.643 15.2441 18.0419 Vegetative shoots - stem 57.1294 57.1294 57.1294 Vegetative shoots 40.1503 32.6758 47.6248 Girdled twig - stem 41.3266 41.3266 41.3266 Dried twig - needles 99.5488 99.5488 99.5488 Girdled twig - needles 14.2936 14.2936 14.2936 Needles 77.75659222222222 7.43246 395.695 Needles - dawn 11.5452 11.5452 11.5452 Needles - later afternoon 12.0426 12.0426 12.0426 Needles - midday 9.77271 9.77271 9.77271 Needles - night 6.81703 6.81703 6.81703 Light, 1 hour 206.4155 149.284 278.709 Light, 3 hours 209.93766666666664 115.425 297.941 Light, 5 hours 173.242 118.194 229.141 Light, 7 hours 240.24 172.027 284.951 Light, 9 hours 178.61633333333333 121.189 255.787 Light, 13 hours 219.64166666666668 191.022 276.1 Light, 15 hours 160.56233333333333 128.628 178.283 Darkness, 1 hour 218.28433333333334 183.096 277.168 Darkness, 3 hours 188.46566666666666 158.296 238.768 Darkness, 5 hours 196.78266666666667 152.569 277.665 Darkness, 7 hours 247.14133333333334 163.311 303.783 Darkness, 11 hours 189.96266666666668 156.824 254.705 Vegetative buds 71.71293333333334 45.3742 110.039 Female buds 40.16223333333333 23.1112 54.5285 Male buds 77.613 25.188 121.59 Buds 60.37175 49.6216 71.1219 Pineapple galls 81.9307 81.9307 81.9307 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 37.16052777777778 28.3773 59.2916 Somatic germinants - normal type 26.37545 12.9788 41.7626 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 160.708 154.685 170.397 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 264.595 251.079 287.499 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 229.061 225.101 233.205 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 162.19133333333332 151.636 172.534 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 174.01366666666667 148.576 191.439 Cell culture - solid medium 143.69233333333332 135.353 152.45 Somatic embryogenic cell line 21.89922333333333 8.13861 28.5858