condition mean min max Immature female cone 105.226 105.226 105.226 Immature male cones 107.005 107.005 107.005 Cambium and expanding xylem 217.197 217.197 217.197 Cambium 207.74233333333333 170.675 272.756 Expanding xylem 204.131 160.084 241.338 Expanding and mature xylem 160.68225 145.698 189.623 Maturing xylem 189.616 189.616 189.616 Wood 103.4821 94.0972 112.867 Bark 30.482039999999998 19.5342 41.9826 Bark, healthy 20.07064 12.5139 27.4695 S1 xylem tracheids 34.7116 32.4516 35.8771 S1 whole sections 38.672825 33.1513 43.7487 S2 ray cells 43.3809 41.0737 46.7384 S2 xylem tracheids 68.5071 64.4113 73.7647 S2 whole sections 36.639525 34.7279 38.5842 Dead late wood 212.392 212.392 212.392 Phloem and cambium 61.3801 61.3801 61.3801 Dear early and late wood 180.947 180.947 180.947 Bark, root and butt rot 25.00822 18.0376 31.0496 Vegetative shoots - needles 67.25895 64.1507 70.3672 Vegetative shoots - stem 89.5164 89.5164 89.5164 Vegetative shoots 89.2821 56.8382 121.726 Girdled twig - stem 73.2656 73.2656 73.2656 Dried twig - needles 66.5235 66.5235 66.5235 Girdled twig - needles 50.9149 50.9149 50.9149 Needles 29.44711111111111 12.6254 62.1991 Needles - dawn 65.512 65.512 65.512 Needles - later afternoon 57.9195 57.9195 57.9195 Needles - midday 51.9344 51.9344 51.9344 Needles - night 57.936 57.936 57.936 Light, 1 hour 21.45925 17.0695 28.9976 Light, 3 hours 12.854533333333334 11.5681 14.5195 Light, 5 hours 20.345333333333333 13.9826 26.2849 Light, 7 hours 16.891033333333333 11.4682 19.915 Light, 9 hours 18.448900000000002 13.1003 22.666 Light, 13 hours 23.110133333333334 22.4173 23.9504 Light, 15 hours 23.906333333333333 21.4142 25.7774 Darkness, 1 hour 19.651666666666667 14.3259 26.8785 Darkness, 3 hours 17.6342 15.1627 19.4391 Darkness, 5 hours 20.851266666666668 16.741 22.9156 Darkness, 7 hours 28.7996 23.6042 33.1544 Darkness, 11 hours 15.377266666666667 10.0334 19.375 Vegetative buds 70.46486666666667 62.835 74.8108 Female buds 61.67916666666667 39.9297 77.9866 Male buds 69.8465 60.4254 78.6191 Buds 98.38220000000001 92.5074 104.257 Pineapple galls 72.2168 72.2168 72.2168 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 36.58888888888889 26.1625 45.7207 Somatic germinants - normal type 32.859405 24.9847 43.9848 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 76.6863 73.5873 78.7196 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 91.1242 85.5165 95.1711 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 78.73546666666667 73.778 85.2602 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 73.75953333333334 63.4892 80.4439 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 58.0778 51.8521 62.4074 Cell culture - solid medium 80.45446666666666 74.7057 83.831 Somatic embryogenic cell line 70.03875555555555 33.9813 97.6177