condition mean min max Immature female cone 38.6542 38.6542 38.6542 Immature male cones 25.2856 25.2856 25.2856 Cambium and expanding xylem 17.6558 17.6558 17.6558 Cambium 36.11716666666666 18.3449 63.0745 Expanding xylem 11.728015 9.07236 15.8691 Expanding and mature xylem 10.7180875 3.81619 19.6619 Maturing xylem 15.765 15.765 15.765 Wood 56.715199999999996 54.3883 59.0421 Bark 153.34902857142856 105.906 263.884 Bark, healthy 18.04082 10.352 24.8016 S1 xylem tracheids 25.1466 24.0112 25.996 S1 whole sections 58.4774 56.2296 61.4219 S2 ray cells 213.0165 206.294 219.207 S2 xylem tracheids 57.47065 56.9937 58.4903 S2 whole sections 54.899275 51.7539 57.1934 Dead late wood 4.22892 4.22892 4.22892 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 13.941 13.941 13.941 Bark, root and butt rot 15.26088 10.5676 18.5465 Vegetative shoots - needles 14.24865 10.7747 17.7226 Vegetative shoots - stem 97.8717 97.8717 97.8717 Vegetative shoots 50.69155 34.7786 66.6045 Girdled twig - stem 59.5928 59.5928 59.5928 Dried twig - needles 12.3207 12.3207 12.3207 Girdled twig - needles 6.73431 6.73431 6.73431 Needles 121.81441555555556 5.71554 209.06 Needles - dawn 8.65298 8.65298 8.65298 Needles - later afternoon 7.04136 7.04136 7.04136 Needles - midday 6.60055 6.60055 6.60055 Needles - night 7.97112 7.97112 7.97112 Light, 1 hour 57.93176666666667 54.7032 61.9058 Light, 3 hours 48.78796666666667 47.3019 51.4826 Light, 5 hours 59.210366666666665 51.5171 63.7199 Light, 7 hours 56.72763333333333 54.8154 59.9547 Light, 9 hours 45.62376666666667 43.4656 47.1389 Light, 13 hours 47.772933333333334 43.7072 51.2917 Light, 15 hours 50.82986666666667 41.151 56.4166 Darkness, 1 hour 54.5983 53.8632 55.7437 Darkness, 3 hours 48.942766666666664 42.2708 57.7082 Darkness, 5 hours 50.31816666666667 40.9513 56.3603 Darkness, 7 hours 56.48193333333333 50.6824 62.8563 Darkness, 11 hours 39.66596666666667 30.0228 57.4446 Vegetative buds 85.7881 78.5404 90.8067 Female buds 66.3099 49.1309 75.2622 Male buds 61.60716666666667 46.1253 71.1526 Buds 45.39355 37.8336 52.9535 Pineapple galls 105.684 105.684 105.684 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 95.93106666666667 88.0672 102.65 Somatic germinants - normal type 103.614515 79.9899 128.533 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 23.453133333333334 21.4916 25.6658 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 25.70146666666667 25.2694 26.5047 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 46.63676666666667 44.1975 50.0722 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 31.355033333333335 27.5758 38.0144 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 20.0381 18.7984 22.4679 Cell culture - solid medium 46.86233333333333 46.2158 47.604 Somatic embryogenic cell line 45.15058888888889 19.4031 53.2189