condition mean min max Immature female cone 195.72 195.72 195.72 Immature male cones 55.5518 55.5518 55.5518 Cambium and expanding xylem 175.528 175.528 175.528 Cambium 160.89366666666666 143.421 178.996 Expanding xylem 125.35549999999999 107.921 145.164 Expanding and mature xylem 111.392325 98.7863 122.937 Maturing xylem 227.365 227.365 227.365 Wood 110.92545 92.5249 129.326 Bark 66.76917428571429 28.7586 115.087 Bark, healthy 47.81894 35.9593 67.1053 S1 xylem tracheids 27.47885 20.9952 34.5893 S1 whole sections 32.922225000000005 30.1825 34.6452 S2 ray cells 56.149025 51.863 64.676 S2 xylem tracheids 66.31185 64.0117 68.9624 S2 whole sections 33.8864 29.1576 38.1066 Dead late wood 199.562 199.562 199.562 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 189.954 189.954 189.954 Bark, root and butt rot 49.15884 46.5698 51.4212 Vegetative shoots - needles 58.731300000000005 49.9209 67.5417 Vegetative shoots - stem 122.828 122.828 122.828 Vegetative shoots 81.37565 62.3383 100.413 Girdled twig - stem 70.1003 70.1003 70.1003 Dried twig - needles 47.1749 47.1749 47.1749 Girdled twig - needles 45.6927 45.6927 45.6927 Needles 39.88731666666666 17.6783 63.4699 Needles - dawn 45.3815 45.3815 45.3815 Needles - later afternoon 39.841 39.841 39.841 Needles - midday 50.0426 50.0426 50.0426 Needles - night 34.633 34.633 34.633 Light, 1 hour 33.854816666666665 25.0282 49.9518 Light, 3 hours 25.770500000000002 21.3835 30.9513 Light, 5 hours 29.513199999999998 25.1574 32.0967 Light, 7 hours 26.023366666666668 24.7118 28.3983 Light, 9 hours 24.996133333333333 18.8573 31.4114 Light, 13 hours 27.9655 23.8352 35.82 Light, 15 hours 28.817766666666667 23.7503 32.2785 Darkness, 1 hour 21.407166666666665 17.241 26.6877 Darkness, 3 hours 27.00936666666667 22.7209 30.1137 Darkness, 5 hours 22.504666666666665 20.9398 23.3498 Darkness, 7 hours 42.3566 34.5509 47.9337 Darkness, 11 hours 21.741933333333332 18.2498 27.4166 Vegetative buds 184.338 156.802 220.667 Female buds 162.41233333333332 102.358 209.582 Male buds 123.0698 93.8224 145.212 Buds 104.70495 98.8159 110.594 Pineapple galls 126.967 126.967 126.967 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 99.58987777777777 79.886 120.512 Somatic germinants - normal type 107.48799 70.9551 133.501 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 26.772566666666666 24.5537 31.2037 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 39.5399 33.4071 44.7504 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 55.92 48.622 61.5037 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 27.171933333333335 21.1246 31.9444 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 23.628666666666668 19.0957 27.9188 Cell culture - solid medium 64.84033333333333 60.3979 73.5248 Somatic embryogenic cell line 32.13956666666667 11.0221 45.7084