condition mean min max Immature female cone 32.721 32.721 32.721 Immature male cones 23.2147 23.2147 23.2147 Cambium and expanding xylem 5.20609 5.20609 5.20609 Cambium 13.709733333333332 5.29338 26.3632 Expanding xylem 7.8243849999999995 3.67541 12.4767 Expanding and mature xylem 7.0009524999999995 3.63224 10.1875 Maturing xylem 3.99551 3.99551 3.99551 Wood 29.61375 26.1304 33.0971 Bark 34.55016285714286 26.8446 38.8046 Bark, healthy 34.11838 29.1212 39.9582 S1 xylem tracheids 24.890775 24.5011 25.2787 S1 whole sections 28.884175 26.982 30.409 S2 ray cells 40.267525 39.8554 40.6659 S2 xylem tracheids 25.862000000000002 25.3362 26.1309 S2 whole sections 27.1906 26.4376 27.8621 Dead late wood 6.12484 6.12484 6.12484 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 12.4869 12.4869 12.4869 Bark, root and butt rot 37.20166 29.4975 43.3294 Vegetative shoots - needles 18.049750000000003 17.6273 18.4722 Vegetative shoots - stem 31.2612 31.2612 31.2612 Vegetative shoots 30.723200000000002 21.9523 39.4941 Girdled twig - stem 24.9798 24.9798 24.9798 Dried twig - needles 17.3048 17.3048 17.3048 Girdled twig - needles 20.0789 20.0789 20.0789 Needles 31.835261111111112 13.1694 46.9228 Needles - dawn 19.5435 19.5435 19.5435 Needles - later afternoon 21.4556 21.4556 21.4556 Needles - midday 17.1983 17.1983 17.1983 Needles - night 20.48 20.48 20.48 Light, 1 hour 29.80695 26.1767 32.0401 Light, 3 hours 27.404433333333333 25.8084 28.4708 Light, 5 hours 29.6753 26.909 32.268 Light, 7 hours 29.9687 28.8183 31.6531 Light, 9 hours 27.3139 24.3079 29.9659 Light, 13 hours 27.641766666666665 24.7368 29.8301 Light, 15 hours 28.6597 25.5045 32.77 Darkness, 1 hour 30.642766666666667 29.715 31.3837 Darkness, 3 hours 29.816266666666667 27.2305 32.9563 Darkness, 5 hours 26.714766666666666 22.3838 30.0379 Darkness, 7 hours 33.0723 31.2263 34.9772 Darkness, 11 hours 21.4619 15.8799 27.7115 Vegetative buds 34.1925 31.9062 35.3477 Female buds 29.343500000000002 17.9949 36.3988 Male buds 48.36613333333333 46.589 50.0651 Buds 34.49805 33.4683 35.5278 Pineapple galls 27.2174 27.2174 27.2174 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 26.502894444444443 22.2949 36.1632 Somatic germinants - normal type 28.53283 23.2551 33.6833 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 32.01303333333333 31.3904 32.6278 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 43.469166666666666 42.7778 44.0272 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 47.0452 45.5392 48.4668 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 33.98596666666667 33.1122 35.5585 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 26.599866666666667 24.4846 28.4467 Cell culture - solid medium 48.17053333333333 47.5436 48.5406 Somatic embryogenic cell line 32.98561111111111 16.504 39.1208