condition mean min max Immature female cone 13.9826 13.9826 13.9826 Immature male cones 17.9632 17.9632 17.9632 Cambium and expanding xylem 9.09762 9.09762 9.09762 Cambium 13.570733333333333 11.6635 15.6587 Expanding xylem 16.00015 12.4524 22.6971 Expanding and mature xylem 14.6554825 8.57433 18.498 Maturing xylem 11.8919 11.8919 11.8919 Wood 11.033280000000001 8.42056 13.646 Bark 14.999646571428572 5.89524 28.7843 Bark, healthy 7.810696 6.8477 9.33308 S1 xylem tracheids 11.559899999999999 11.0245 12.3348 S1 whole sections 6.43555 5.3606 6.88245 S2 ray cells 9.722865 8.31622 10.7728 S2 xylem tracheids 5.9045875 5.50731 6.44758 S2 whole sections 4.96718 4.35061 5.83961 Dead late wood 22.9756 22.9756 22.9756 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 15.3147 15.3147 15.3147 Bark, root and butt rot 5.93517 4.14608 7.28409 Vegetative shoots - needles 102.89255 92.7911 112.994 Vegetative shoots - stem 18.1448 18.1448 18.1448 Vegetative shoots 32.46985 17.2933 47.6464 Girdled twig - stem 15.4528 15.4528 15.4528 Dried twig - needles 32.7597 32.7597 32.7597 Girdled twig - needles 66.4569 66.4569 66.4569 Needles 45.66972222222222 13.272 143.232 Needles - dawn 84.5289 84.5289 84.5289 Needles - later afternoon 82.0852 82.0852 82.0852 Needles - midday 61.9391 61.9391 61.9391 Needles - night 79.2344 79.2344 79.2344 Light, 1 hour 111.95815 94.8129 128.238 Light, 3 hours 115.34146666666668 98.5374 140.501 Light, 5 hours 111.34133333333334 107.066 117.715 Light, 7 hours 105.72993333333334 89.5008 114.169 Light, 9 hours 101.47946666666667 78.4797 133.725 Light, 13 hours 95.25193333333334 87.974 107.956 Light, 15 hours 122.04733333333334 106.343 148.597 Darkness, 1 hour 79.4594 71.5213 83.7771 Darkness, 3 hours 112.55833333333334 102.396 122.166 Darkness, 5 hours 81.52333333333334 71.4307 89.6704 Darkness, 7 hours 110.40733333333333 103.859 121.423 Darkness, 11 hours 86.29176666666666 50.6643 108.135 Vegetative buds 19.244866666666667 17.3453 22.9669 Female buds 16.3326 11.5336 18.8949 Male buds 26.173566666666666 22.5021 29.7748 Buds 18.28455 13.9894 22.5797 Pineapple galls 21.165 21.165 21.165 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 4.454645666666667 0.233053 22.7356 Somatic germinants - normal type 13.94716015 0.229463 55.0711 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 17.942833333333333 16.3999 19.1425 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 20.214100000000002 19.3255 21.9665 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 22.667333333333332 21.0063 24.1002 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 18.366766666666667 17.2301 19.5013 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 18.5612 18.045 18.8978 Cell culture - solid medium 29.053866666666668 27.4225 30.9005 Somatic embryogenic cell line 10.894843333333334 6.19125 13.95