condition mean min max Immature female cone 102.791 102.791 102.791 Immature male cones 258.144 258.144 258.144 Cambium and expanding xylem 30.0102 30.0102 30.0102 Cambium 15.502400000000002 11.2629 22.3209 Expanding xylem 27.986075 11.6041 35.8424 Expanding and mature xylem 11.8514175 7.16957 16.7789 Maturing xylem 3.15111 3.15111 3.15111 Wood 128.61065 83.1103 174.111 Bark 16.946807714285715 8.22442 25.8279 Bark, healthy 44.41044 39.5173 49.6141 S1 xylem tracheids 131.36825 128.35 135.328 S1 whole sections 95.454325 93.1154 98.5327 S2 ray cells 98.5392 94.817 101.302 S2 xylem tracheids 104.175775 99.9401 107.62 S2 whole sections 80.80902499999999 78.2023 84.9319 Dead late wood 3.66813 3.66813 3.66813 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 8.1327 8.1327 8.1327 Bark, root and butt rot 59.55516 51.0936 66.1077 Vegetative shoots - needles 42.3938 41.5641 43.2235 Vegetative shoots - stem 78.132 78.132 78.132 Vegetative shoots 126.311 123.965 128.657 Girdled twig - stem 70.7274 70.7274 70.7274 Dried twig - needles 110.627 110.627 110.627 Girdled twig - needles 65.6716 65.6716 65.6716 Needles 57.02285555555556 36.1778 81.7913 Needles - dawn 42.314 42.314 42.314 Needles - later afternoon 40.6728 40.6728 40.6728 Needles - midday 39.607 39.607 39.607 Needles - night 43.6077 43.6077 43.6077 Light, 1 hour 60.34296666666667 46.9149 74.46 Light, 3 hours 61.50886666666667 55.6893 66.0102 Light, 5 hours 62.6332 51.319 74.597 Light, 7 hours 70.15856666666667 67.0077 73.8489 Light, 9 hours 77.7012 55.4699 107.443 Light, 13 hours 51.6137 37.5704 70.6954 Light, 15 hours 62.609500000000004 58.8128 68.6093 Darkness, 1 hour 59.79343333333333 54.7823 69.2494 Darkness, 3 hours 61.262 49.7343 76.4187 Darkness, 5 hours 56.81843333333333 41.9861 66.4712 Darkness, 7 hours 41.6262 38.0425 44.3915 Darkness, 11 hours 43.23903333333333 33.9647 51.0522 Vegetative buds 48.8319 43.3587 53.8247 Female buds 47.39776666666667 28.7572 60.5363 Male buds 31.1041 25.0246 42.8482 Buds 95.13835 87.7297 102.547 Pineapple galls 77.3572 77.3572 77.3572 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 38.68996666666666 29.7415 46.9536 Somatic germinants - normal type 43.071875 30.8817 50.7182 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 50.5966 48.0159 54.0613 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 39.682633333333335 38.7317 40.2755 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 43.941833333333335 40.2072 47.6568 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 51.2532 48.8572 52.5457 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 54.3321 53.5333 55.0716 Cell culture - solid medium 46.0934 44.4798 47.8721 Somatic embryogenic cell line 108.71196666666667 54.4937 137.672