condition mean min max Immature female cone 27.7575 27.7575 27.7575 Immature male cones 34.8296 34.8296 34.8296 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.55251 2.55251 2.55251 Cambium 4.731493333333334 1.2013 7.92541 Expanding xylem 1.8325274999999999 1.13113 3.62981 Expanding and mature xylem 2.11444825 0.329073 3.09064 Maturing xylem 1.19033 1.19033 1.19033 Wood 39.6499 39.2503 40.0495 Bark 35.95791714285714 16.8579 56.286 Bark, healthy 28.03938 21.8 36.4972 S1 xylem tracheids 27.6953 25.9898 30.2516 S1 whole sections 22.09385 19.1153 25.49 S2 ray cells 33.689175 31.2466 35.4765 S2 xylem tracheids 16.56905 15.704 17.1463 S2 whole sections 22.411099999999998 21.4981 23.4974 Dead late wood 1.01997 1.01997 1.01997 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 5.25914 5.25914 5.25914 Bark, root and butt rot 30.1793 25.8502 42.4513 Vegetative shoots - needles 27.28885 24.6266 29.9511 Vegetative shoots - stem 39.1667 39.1667 39.1667 Vegetative shoots 30.9125 25.7357 36.0893 Girdled twig - stem 34.6484 34.6484 34.6484 Dried twig - needles 36.4241 36.4241 36.4241 Girdled twig - needles 41.5741 41.5741 41.5741 Needles 23.637811111111112 15.3822 51.8527 Needles - dawn 27.371 27.371 27.371 Needles - later afternoon 33.8974 33.8974 33.8974 Needles - midday 30.9868 30.9868 30.9868 Needles - night 31.2842 31.2842 31.2842 Light, 1 hour 31.9277 24.9769 38.847 Light, 3 hours 30.473866666666666 28.8545 31.3533 Light, 5 hours 34.307 27.7569 43.1844 Light, 7 hours 33.312133333333335 30.1233 39.2445 Light, 9 hours 29.4582 27.4948 31.8294 Light, 13 hours 31.843166666666665 28.7453 34.299 Light, 15 hours 34.48413333333333 33.0178 36.3798 Darkness, 1 hour 34.3647 27.9339 40.8957 Darkness, 3 hours 31.340799999999998 27.5244 36.5616 Darkness, 5 hours 34.764466666666664 32.7495 36.592 Darkness, 7 hours 38.667966666666665 34.8652 41.6165 Darkness, 11 hours 25.237433333333332 16.7077 32.5455 Vegetative buds 27.466833333333334 26.6332 28.0235 Female buds 24.037200000000002 14.0484 29.1995 Male buds 22.534000000000002 19.5073 24.8637 Buds 36.512299999999996 36.3994 36.6252 Pineapple galls 26.584 26.584 26.584 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 22.59876111111111 18.6523 26.7162 Somatic germinants - normal type 22.73517 17.5764 27.3214 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 27.205533333333335 26.7836 27.9447 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 32.1474 30.937 33.1305 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 33.1667 29.8057 35.7959 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 26.347266666666666 25.5415 27.3791 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 28.8323 25.2195 32.2435 Cell culture - solid medium 37.72546666666667 36.2196 39.5019 Somatic embryogenic cell line 22.4492 10.4727 27.6583