condition mean min max Immature female cone 108.72 108.72 108.72 Immature male cones 111.241 111.241 111.241 Cambium and expanding xylem 30.2644 30.2644 30.2644 Cambium 27.52335666666667 8.32277 46.0904 Expanding xylem 20.306775000000002 18.9235 21.5063 Expanding and mature xylem 18.6895225 9.76929 26.2276 Maturing xylem 17.8266 17.8266 17.8266 Wood 17.68955 11.7768 23.6023 Bark 121.20168857142858 35.0361 209.419 Bark, healthy 23.27244 16.6469 29.9196 S1 xylem tracheids 3.844965 3.27436 4.53312 S1 whole sections 13.023575000000001 11.3738 14.297 S2 ray cells 17.731749999999998 16.2451 19.2662 S2 xylem tracheids 11.5945 10.1037 12.8913 S2 whole sections 12.655100000000001 11.9311 13.6719 Dead late wood 71.8191 71.8191 71.8191 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 43.3078 43.3078 43.3078 Bark, root and butt rot 15.790398 8.3764 25.6619 Vegetative shoots - needles 707.9304999999999 532.929 882.932 Vegetative shoots - stem 593.041 593.041 593.041 Vegetative shoots 358.3105 247.392 469.229 Girdled twig - stem 803.519 803.519 803.519 Dried twig - needles 596.54 596.54 596.54 Girdled twig - needles 1153.85 1153.85 1153.85 Needles 822.0984444444445 275.029 1267.76 Needles - dawn 860.443 860.443 860.443 Needles - later afternoon 827.123 827.123 827.123 Needles - midday 921.442 921.442 921.442 Needles - night 855.414 855.414 855.414 Light, 1 hour 729.0203333333333 632.919 871.444 Light, 3 hours 755.9686666666666 699.182 791.726 Light, 5 hours 781.456 678.704 967.443 Light, 7 hours 797.6476666666667 748.629 873.71 Light, 9 hours 737.6606666666667 671.067 804.619 Light, 13 hours 666.6396666666667 600.607 700.42 Light, 15 hours 764.8326666666667 689.367 837.515 Darkness, 1 hour 801.9086666666666 718.15 911.67 Darkness, 3 hours 783.6816666666667 754.181 815.13 Darkness, 5 hours 799.5953333333333 663.305 892.789 Darkness, 7 hours 796.6923333333333 743.637 825.016 Darkness, 11 hours 577.8456666666666 408.295 755.703 Vegetative buds 126.74706666666665 86.4292 168.45 Female buds 129.7846 70.9048 186.114 Male buds 32.249433333333336 21.1467 50.128 Buds 225.23649999999998 214.384 236.089 Pineapple galls 683.826 683.826 683.826 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 589.3541111111111 521.172 660.095 Somatic germinants - normal type 628.0154 546.202 857.531 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 205.76833333333335 201.05 212.586 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 190.45866666666666 174.95 212.841 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 229.909 222.541 235.393 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 138.9226666666667 133.294 144.651 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 208.92133333333334 201.795 219.422 Cell culture - solid medium 322.0896666666667 297.011 338.713 Somatic embryogenic cell line 9.616094444444444 3.05506 12.6428