condition mean min max Immature female cone 7.2646 7.2646 7.2646 Immature male cones 0.556408 0.556408 0.556408 Cambium and expanding xylem 27.4468 27.4468 27.4468 Cambium 26.066133333333333 19.8393 34.1103 Expanding xylem 9.4012575 2.03009 13.9002 Expanding and mature xylem 24.624025 11.7871 46.5025 Maturing xylem 7.43564 7.43564 7.43564 Wood 16.5821 14.1812 18.983 Bark 1.6832881714285715 0.604154 4.18111 Bark, healthy 2.240212 1.55487 3.92303 S1 xylem tracheids 16.509525 14.321 19.1734 S1 whole sections 16.726225 15.5266 18.0788 S2 ray cells 10.99977 9.96368 12.2791 S2 xylem tracheids 22.960825 21.5083 24.7466 S2 whole sections 14.06325 12.8933 15.5053 Dead late wood 6.57025 6.57025 6.57025 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 5.73227 5.73227 5.73227 Bark, root and butt rot 1.9397878 0.163894 3.68332 Vegetative shoots - needles 5.013525 3.9204 6.10665 Vegetative shoots - stem 5.96937 5.96937 5.96937 Vegetative shoots 4.064265 1.46097 6.66756 Girdled twig - stem 0.833806 0.833806 0.833806 Dried twig - needles 1.77357 1.77357 1.77357 Girdled twig - needles 4.90127 4.90127 4.90127 Needles 7.67333265 0.0472177 17.6158 Needles - dawn 4.97869 4.97869 4.97869 Needles - later afternoon 3.55108 3.55108 3.55108 Needles - midday 3.18658 3.18658 3.18658 Needles - night 2.9374 2.9374 2.9374 Light, 1 hour 10.571656666666668 7.60893 15.8228 Light, 3 hours 9.588706666666667 7.1621 12.1319 Light, 5 hours 12.80111 9.96473 16.7745 Light, 7 hours 10.468146666666668 8.10514 12.1524 Light, 9 hours 10.691166666666668 9.33131 12.8513 Light, 13 hours 10.980386666666668 7.33861 16.0698 Light, 15 hours 9.819036666666667 7.31587 12.6766 Darkness, 1 hour 10.25971 7.76853 12.4253 Darkness, 3 hours 8.72227 8.01056 9.82419 Darkness, 5 hours 8.88989 6.47943 10.8917 Darkness, 7 hours 9.528456666666667 6.38637 11.1817 Darkness, 11 hours 7.88954 4.11947 12.1479 Vegetative buds 1.3333756666666667 0.574837 1.75006 Female buds 1.5461963333333335 0.331419 2.29653 Male buds 0.6434176333333333 0.0907739 1.65392 Buds 3.669455 2.46633 4.87258 Pineapple galls 11.3726 11.3726 11.3726 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 1.6462410555555556 0.71951 2.61773 Somatic germinants - normal type 2.7166425 1.75432 3.93025 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 0.4644393333333333 0.360795 0.666745 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 1.6241766666666666 1.21843 1.88642 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 5.18442 4.6107 5.48632 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 0.5992893333333333 0.512863 0.664357 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 0.5311193333333333 0.252467 0.956392 Cell culture - solid medium 8.984020000000001 8.57313 9.47411 Somatic embryogenic cell line 11.931665555555556 6.01701 17.4581