condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	3.44962	3.44962	3.44962
Immature male cones	5.4227	5.4227	5.4227
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.423727	0.423727	0.423727
Cambium	1.748823	0.202107	4.37076
Expanding xylem	0.285004	0.0	0.736748
Expanding and mature xylem	0.11864595	0.0	0.415981
Maturing xylem	0.231111	0.231111	0.231111
Wood	8.821795000000002	8.2596	9.38399
Bark	20.876091428571428	13.688	33.0393
Bark, healthy	71.60666	56.3408	92.0866
S1 xylem tracheids	5.1096825	4.60053	5.67831
S1 whole sections	8.9954225	7.33195	10.7764
S2 ray cells	9.672835000000001	8.72446	10.3009
S2 xylem tracheids	4.7209775	3.99356	5.34677
S2 whole sections	6.038965	5.26125	6.64842
Dead late wood	0.489147	0.489147	0.489147
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	0.0826091	0.0826091	0.0826091
Bark, root and butt rot	61.35864	48.6647	76.2688
Vegetative shoots - needles	5.6849799999999995	4.16243	7.20753
Vegetative shoots - stem	5.13702	5.13702	5.13702
Vegetative shoots	1.903715	1.38275	2.42468
Girdled twig - stem	15.7034	15.7034	15.7034
Dried twig - needles	6.68643	6.68643	6.68643
Girdled twig - needles	6.8906	6.8906	6.8906
Needles	4.823785	2.67823	8.66118
Needles - dawn	6.47966	6.47966	6.47966
Needles - later afternoon	5.72984	5.72984	5.72984
Needles - midday	8.19673	8.19673	8.19673
Needles - night	4.90483	4.90483	4.90483
Light, 1 hour	16.72801	6.37816	24.5628
Light, 3 hours	15.48645	9.57425	23.1305
Light, 5 hours	16.779433333333333	15.2162	18.3814
Light, 7 hours	7.3522333333333325	3.9914	9.20365
Light, 9 hours	8.76396	5.94583	10.7021
Light, 13 hours	11.715910000000001	6.94563	15.4396
Light, 15 hours	11.70148	8.31154	15.712
Darkness, 1 hour	18.32563	9.87869	25.2166
Darkness, 3 hours	15.379716666666667	9.52515	19.2275
Darkness, 5 hours	9.336563333333334	6.32921	13.9199
Darkness, 7 hours	19.0857	15.9382	23.0713
Darkness, 11 hours	6.1687	5.36902	7.27574
Vegetative buds	19.2827	18.0209	21.6042
Female buds	20.6922	13.6169	24.5333
Male buds	12.648466666666668	9.3849	17.2574
Buds	7.7292749999999995	5.69104	9.76751
Pineapple galls	3.82562	3.82562	3.82562
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	15.35271111111111	11.4357	23.1029
Somatic germinants - normal type	14.529543499999999	8.19304	19.2562
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	21.976766666666666	20.86	23.5505
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	14.246233333333333	13.8736	14.905
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	11.473066666666666	10.4118	12.9062
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	17.523233333333334	16.4006	19.741
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	13.565666666666667	12.8841	14.3269
Cell culture - solid medium	14.036966666666666	12.4375	15.1773
Somatic embryogenic cell line	16.952188888888887	7.7242	20.9504