condition mean min max Immature female cone 49.4112 49.4112 49.4112 Immature male cones 55.3514 55.3514 55.3514 Cambium and expanding xylem 15.3221 15.3221 15.3221 Cambium 28.35833333333333 16.4016 41.8321 Expanding xylem 12.465705 9.10502 15.9187 Expanding and mature xylem 12.807095 7.75564 18.2214 Maturing xylem 13.7076 13.7076 13.7076 Wood 74.3104 62.3489 86.2719 Bark 51.030057142857146 41.837 65.5497 Bark, healthy 164.2234 133.159 202.281 S1 xylem tracheids 24.7 23.6355 26.0023 S1 whole sections 31.584325 29.3388 32.9784 S2 ray cells 56.2507 55.0112 57.7364 S2 xylem tracheids 32.4535 31.781 33.274 S2 whole sections 32.52575 31.4826 33.6656 Dead late wood 13.6813 13.6813 13.6813 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 28.3577 28.3577 28.3577 Bark, root and butt rot 158.7952 113.92 189.552 Vegetative shoots - needles 37.888400000000004 36.5815 39.1953 Vegetative shoots - stem 57.4003 57.4003 57.4003 Vegetative shoots 41.61925 31.6189 51.6196 Girdled twig - stem 54.2056 54.2056 54.2056 Dried twig - needles 41.0705 41.0705 41.0705 Girdled twig - needles 58.2343 58.2343 58.2343 Needles 33.04808888888889 22.2867 52.6931 Needles - dawn 42.8105 42.8105 42.8105 Needles - later afternoon 36.7869 36.7869 36.7869 Needles - midday 40.6816 40.6816 40.6816 Needles - night 40.6174 40.6174 40.6174 Light, 1 hour 49.49478333333333 45.1226 57.8946 Light, 3 hours 51.583866666666665 47.2982 56.4912 Light, 5 hours 52.935433333333336 47.2061 62.9095 Light, 7 hours 59.2064 57.0247 62.2376 Light, 9 hours 55.7949 47.0367 63.4586 Light, 13 hours 53.255066666666664 49.9387 55.9686 Light, 15 hours 54.4935 50.3078 60.9534 Darkness, 1 hour 57.24296666666667 53.1957 62.938 Darkness, 3 hours 58.919533333333334 51.293 64.5244 Darkness, 5 hours 55.207300000000004 45.6495 61.0671 Darkness, 7 hours 54.3631 49.9751 57.6754 Darkness, 11 hours 45.64053333333333 33.4219 58.945 Vegetative buds 78.2477 64.0956 91.249 Female buds 56.471666666666664 32.5303 73.224 Male buds 42.03626666666667 37.1694 49.2706 Buds 54.8759 52.3371 57.4147 Pineapple galls 59.29 59.29 59.29 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 41.336349999999996 36.6579 46.6959 Somatic germinants - normal type 42.42678 34.3566 48.5008 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 41.89216666666667 41.0171 43.0833 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 53.769400000000005 51.3712 55.8361 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 58.4944 57.2076 60.9679 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 48.42993333333333 47.5633 48.8649 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 36.76603333333333 34.7992 38.5961 Cell culture - solid medium 49.88256666666667 47.6439 52.3348 Somatic embryogenic cell line 17.021736666666666 8.28763 24.7689