condition mean min max Immature female cone 732.664 732.664 732.664 Immature male cones 307.784 307.784 307.784 Cambium and expanding xylem 1390.91 1390.91 1390.91 Cambium 1610.43 1279.39 1891.79 Expanding xylem 1091.8625 1027.81 1218.45 Expanding and mature xylem 926.3105 858.138 1028.6 Maturing xylem 802.612 802.612 802.612 Wood 452.3935 441.752 463.035 Bark 903.5580285714286 645.279 1244.25 Bark, healthy 313.161 263.396 407.563 S1 xylem tracheids 623.0242499999999 609.896 635.239 S1 whole sections 359.18975 352.152 366.485 S2 ray cells 652.2815 643.269 669.416 S2 xylem tracheids 842.091 833.789 852.538 S2 whole sections 352.98725 347.75 357.878 Dead late wood 1921.19 1921.19 1921.19 Phloem and cambium 225.111 225.111 225.111 Dear early and late wood 1126.38 1126.38 1126.38 Bark, root and butt rot 305.3528 243.889 340.622 Vegetative shoots - needles 619.839 436.463 803.215 Vegetative shoots - stem 858.737 858.737 858.737 Vegetative shoots 1049.267 999.644 1098.89 Girdled twig - stem 458.121 458.121 458.121 Dried twig - needles 474.817 474.817 474.817 Girdled twig - needles 420.378 420.378 420.378 Needles 826.4751666666667 203.062 1381.94 Needles - dawn 458.416 458.416 458.416 Needles - later afternoon 440.387 440.387 440.387 Needles - midday 303.849 303.849 303.849 Needles - night 485.302 485.302 485.302 Light, 1 hour 320.48900000000003 300.135 352.463 Light, 3 hours 316.15166666666664 258.888 352.126 Light, 5 hours 349.978 310.241 383.69 Light, 7 hours 371.28499999999997 342.892 427.782 Light, 9 hours 342.83366666666666 328.917 361.544 Light, 13 hours 295.3396666666667 249.549 336.382 Light, 15 hours 326.62166666666667 322.683 332.441 Darkness, 1 hour 322.6376666666667 306.607 341.343 Darkness, 3 hours 326.172 298.382 358.704 Darkness, 5 hours 319.612 272.087 373.79 Darkness, 7 hours 339.498 302.473 371.572 Darkness, 11 hours 263.11233333333337 191.232 356.985 Vegetative buds 1692.0633333333335 1472.88 1968.89 Female buds 1463.504 826.572 1880.11 Male buds 1230.056 990.938 1382.19 Buds 878.8465 760.601 997.092 Pineapple galls 1366.23 1366.23 1366.23 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 604.0255555555556 538.642 664.889 Somatic germinants - normal type 675.0866 511.82 892.279 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 313.66166666666663 290.837 331.243 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 378.12399999999997 356.839 395.068 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 485.4463333333333 448.891 536.068 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 367.06533333333334 348.541 396.122 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 288.71933333333334 272.974 302.711 Cell culture - solid medium 479.18733333333336 462.291 510.891 Somatic embryogenic cell line 800.0604444444444 396.271 989.14