condition mean min max Immature female cone 20.4385 20.4385 20.4385 Immature male cones 5.68246 5.68246 5.68246 Cambium and expanding xylem 1.01369 1.01369 1.01369 Cambium 3.0049966666666665 1.84468 3.88467 Expanding xylem 1.2766575 0.48076 1.81758 Expanding and mature xylem 0.52575075 0.0 0.923077 Maturing xylem 2.94234 2.94234 2.94234 Wood 3.461755 2.95747 3.96604 Bark 6.798833428571428 2.50245 19.1213 Bark, healthy 2.367466 1.70365 2.90378 S1 xylem tracheids 0.0 0.0 0.0 S1 whole sections 1.7329625 1.25369 2.21323 S2 ray cells 2.9724250000000003 2.3331 3.34127 S2 xylem tracheids 2.1010275 1.92924 2.21481 S2 whole sections 1.33372 0.679783 1.94975 Dead late wood 1.90206 1.90206 1.90206 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.927404 0.927404 0.927404 Bark, root and butt rot 2.953852 2.50045 3.4847 Vegetative shoots - needles 55.258849999999995 53.5695 56.9482 Vegetative shoots - stem 20.1028 20.1028 20.1028 Vegetative shoots 46.96785 20.6293 73.3064 Girdled twig - stem 17.9043 17.9043 17.9043 Dried twig - needles 44.0751 44.0751 44.0751 Girdled twig - needles 68.3316 68.3316 68.3316 Needles 53.03528388888889 6.14031 90.5467 Needles - dawn 54.7575 54.7575 54.7575 Needles - later afternoon 56.1725 56.1725 56.1725 Needles - midday 64.4625 64.4625 64.4625 Needles - night 51.0179 51.0179 51.0179 Light, 1 hour 59.715716666666665 55.403 67.6463 Light, 3 hours 61.0015 46.1967 80.8959 Light, 5 hours 55.91023333333334 49.5396 60.6784 Light, 7 hours 55.65663333333333 44.4718 63.7244 Light, 9 hours 55.25856666666667 43.2159 63.7247 Light, 13 hours 58.00986666666667 48.8368 68.8205 Light, 15 hours 61.49913333333333 46.6555 73.4018 Darkness, 1 hour 43.43476666666667 39.8599 50.5759 Darkness, 3 hours 51.87266666666667 47.7717 54.7582 Darkness, 5 hours 39.1074 34.2495 42.0483 Darkness, 7 hours 51.95336666666667 40.0282 61.9614 Darkness, 11 hours 48.493233333333336 31.4933 58.8913 Vegetative buds 8.737693333333333 8.02101 9.63769 Female buds 9.94525 5.03945 14.0745 Male buds 12.157266666666667 11.1669 12.697 Buds 18.8309 15.5923 22.0695 Pineapple galls 64.6337 64.6337 64.6337 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 28.141194444444444 17.7113 37.3546 Somatic germinants - normal type 32.277715 22.5663 44.9651 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 21.403566666666666 19.3571 23.3475 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 21.467933333333335 21.3673 21.5368 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 32.774033333333335 31.1922 34.7123 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 27.204233333333335 25.3158 29.1572 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 31.276400000000002 30.0811 33.404 Cell culture - solid medium 33.004133333333336 30.7741 36.3424 Somatic embryogenic cell line 3.625707777777778 2.09995 4.85941