condition mean min max Immature female cone 6.70838 6.70838 6.70838 Immature male cones 9.22993 9.22993 9.22993 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.111277 0.111277 0.111277 Cambium 0.442506 0.0 1.05882 Expanding xylem 0.20348750000000002 0.0 0.417619 Expanding and mature xylem 0.417117 0.0 0.896622 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 3.8769649999999998 2.71777 5.03616 Bark 5.327717142857143 2.34469 9.09959 Bark, healthy 3.4560779999999998 1.40494 5.49655 S1 xylem tracheids 8.48362 8.22864 8.73157 S1 whole sections 4.2377325 3.93696 4.7619 S2 ray cells 3.1546175 2.42855 3.8657 S2 xylem tracheids 3.661175 3.3356 4.08059 S2 whole sections 2.5592025 2.15987 3.0989 Dead late wood 0.177863 0.177863 0.177863 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.317079 0.317079 0.317079 Bark, root and butt rot 2.31022 1.93693 2.74484 Vegetative shoots - needles 2.55384 2.0592 3.04848 Vegetative shoots - stem 3.25496 3.25496 3.25496 Vegetative shoots 3.76308 3.46685 4.05931 Girdled twig - stem 4.32752 4.32752 4.32752 Dried twig - needles 3.60773 3.60773 3.60773 Girdled twig - needles 5.55973 5.55973 5.55973 Needles 1.9284557222222223 0.725643 2.82123 Needles - dawn 1.75557 1.75557 1.75557 Needles - later afternoon 2.18739 2.18739 2.18739 Needles - midday 2.52998 2.52998 2.52998 Needles - night 2.10392 2.10392 2.10392 Light, 1 hour 6.91766 4.77666 8.27379 Light, 3 hours 5.06206 3.59995 5.87236 Light, 5 hours 5.757736666666666 3.4328 8.20113 Light, 7 hours 5.864296666666666 5.13247 6.76151 Light, 9 hours 5.549403333333333 4.18037 7.18301 Light, 13 hours 7.54822 5.58002 9.60977 Light, 15 hours 6.7945 6.30454 7.19707 Darkness, 1 hour 8.911096666666667 7.6752 11.2597 Darkness, 3 hours 7.80861 5.74907 9.98833 Darkness, 5 hours 6.459033333333333 5.01906 7.27009 Darkness, 7 hours 9.535996666666666 8.77496 10.6845 Darkness, 11 hours 4.52499 2.75917 7.32568 Vegetative buds 6.387873333333333 5.25552 7.39249 Female buds 3.6356699999999997 2.70614 4.29339 Male buds 6.16162 2.99042 11.9055 Buds 6.520860000000001 5.45096 7.59076 Pineapple galls 3.48265 3.48265 3.48265 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 3.0628605555555555 1.91889 4.35547 Somatic germinants - normal type 3.3806475 2.08531 6.15894 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 8.844573333333333 8.09461 9.35303 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 8.7072 7.88585 9.11977 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 7.629433333333333 7.11535 7.99953 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 9.15953 8.80999 9.66877 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 8.41022 8.06502 8.67234 Cell culture - solid medium 8.112449999999999 7.58794 8.81843 Somatic embryogenic cell line 3.6398566666666667 1.61614 4.69594