condition mean min max Immature female cone 67.4663 67.4663 67.4663 Immature male cones 100.8 100.8 100.8 Cambium and expanding xylem 43.8492 43.8492 43.8492 Cambium 49.32606666666666 24.2028 81.2563 Expanding xylem 35.335925 22.6319 44.8988 Expanding and mature xylem 16.106875 5.58661 27.2689 Maturing xylem 21.4691 21.4691 21.4691 Wood 61.8792 37.7921 85.9663 Bark 45.501517142857146 28.7815 61.8612 Bark, healthy 28.06712 19.0264 31.9067 S1 xylem tracheids 35.515575 34.3544 37.7453 S1 whole sections 39.078450000000004 35.536 40.8924 S2 ray cells 56.333349999999996 54.6099 58.3934 S2 xylem tracheids 52.141875 51.5263 53.0403 S2 whole sections 40.30545 39.5477 41.5955 Dead late wood 17.5673 17.5673 17.5673 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 25.8288 25.8288 25.8288 Bark, root and butt rot 25.67524 20.5073 35.8003 Vegetative shoots - needles 28.88655 23.7169 34.0562 Vegetative shoots - stem 34.304 34.304 34.304 Vegetative shoots 68.6468 36.5246 100.769 Girdled twig - stem 53.3261 53.3261 53.3261 Dried twig - needles 26.2492 26.2492 26.2492 Girdled twig - needles 35.4463 35.4463 35.4463 Needles 28.956505555555555 17.9621 51.8951 Needles - dawn 30.3516 30.3516 30.3516 Needles - later afternoon 26.9689 26.9689 26.9689 Needles - midday 22.5311 22.5311 22.5311 Needles - night 27.2532 27.2532 27.2532 Light, 1 hour 29.9409 24.9239 36.7432 Light, 3 hours 26.996033333333333 24.4934 31.5873 Light, 5 hours 28.985966666666666 24.9338 31.5284 Light, 7 hours 27.037066666666664 23.828 30.4395 Light, 9 hours 27.995833333333334 26.0403 31.8023 Light, 13 hours 29.018166666666666 22.775 34.1026 Light, 15 hours 26.969833333333334 24.3598 29.2151 Darkness, 1 hour 25.2382 24.4085 26.5874 Darkness, 3 hours 29.310433333333332 24.1634 33.9015 Darkness, 5 hours 27.351 24.6523 32.4499 Darkness, 7 hours 31.142033333333334 26.3794 34.622 Darkness, 11 hours 24.357333333333333 12.3609 31.7887 Vegetative buds 42.91283333333333 39.9951 46.4213 Female buds 37.86503333333333 21.9793 47.9908 Male buds 49.57836666666667 44.0096 54.1997 Buds 57.4226 48.9253 65.9199 Pineapple galls 40.1698 40.1698 40.1698 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 39.13057222222222 35.6045 44.3732 Somatic germinants - normal type 35.521065 29.4515 39.8501 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 31.873066666666666 30.8292 33.7193 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 35.294066666666666 33.2935 36.8713 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 28.153366666666667 27.2084 29.4194 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 31.226566666666667 29.6936 33.3642 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 24.919533333333334 24.0937 25.7778 Cell culture - solid medium 36.099199999999996 34.2994 39.1543 Somatic embryogenic cell line 51.80227777777778 19.089 65.2211