condition mean min max Immature female cone 0.0946201 0.0946201 0.0946201 Immature male cones 0.343548 0.343548 0.343548 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.0499609 0.0499609 0.0499609 Cambium 0.459441 0.100081 0.902917 Expanding xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Expanding and mature xylem 0.066114 0.0 0.264456 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 1.0873975 0.640925 1.53387 Bark 0.9443298714285714 0.0 6.64892 Bark, healthy 0.3611102 0.0406379 1.00926 S1 xylem tracheids 0.0 0.0 0.0 S1 whole sections 0.11183725 0.0 0.223989 S2 ray cells 0.28297625 0.108003 0.348981 S2 xylem tracheids 0.19278625000000002 0.144348 0.271423 S2 whole sections 0.1264265 0.0 0.255023 Dead late wood 0.0399285 0.0399285 0.0399285 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 2.27779 2.27779 2.27779 Bark, root and butt rot 0.3224768 0.0 0.998 Vegetative shoots - needles 2.49883 1.04736 3.9503 Vegetative shoots - stem 3.07144 3.07144 3.07144 Vegetative shoots 0.04764835 0.0 0.0952967 Girdled twig - stem 63.7096 63.7096 63.7096 Dried twig - needles 0.22814 0.22814 0.22814 Girdled twig - needles 7.03776 7.03776 7.03776 Needles 2.4849704444444445 0.0 16.8 Needles - dawn 5.91162 5.91162 5.91162 Needles - later afternoon 4.38515 4.38515 4.38515 Needles - midday 4.21016 4.21016 4.21016 Needles - night 3.24504 3.24504 3.24504 Light, 1 hour 0.251125 0.0 0.552712 Light, 3 hours 0.13791466666666669 0.0 0.268278 Light, 5 hours 0.07107216666666667 0.0 0.140662 Light, 7 hours 0.061329 0.0 0.183987 Light, 9 hours 0.22026400000000002 0.171011 0.252356 Light, 13 hours 0.25312033333333334 0.0 0.492823 Light, 15 hours 0.029919766666666667 0.0 0.0897593 Darkness, 1 hour 0.019313733333333333 0.0 0.0579412 Darkness, 3 hours 0.328276 0.247302 0.399069 Darkness, 5 hours 0.18785866666666667 0.089428 0.2923 Darkness, 7 hours 0.14370733333333333 0.0 0.225747 Darkness, 11 hours 0.10589106666666667 0.0 0.226833 Vegetative buds 3.2105 2.39685 4.30863 Female buds 1.5547933333333335 1.0591 2.20787 Male buds 2.47165 1.92701 2.90266 Buds 5.0402249999999995 2.17544 7.90501 Pineapple galls 0.157678 0.157678 0.157678 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 9.17865 3.64042 15.4606 Somatic germinants - normal type 4.050995 1.74435 8.033 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 0.06065393333333333 0.0 0.111385 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 0.019959 0.0 0.059877 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 0.6499386666666667 0.237405 0.974268 Cell culture - solid medium 0.02490123333333333 0.0 0.0747037 Somatic embryogenic cell line 4.60715 2.60323 7.02528