condition mean min max Immature female cone 13.1827 13.1827 13.1827 Immature male cones 5.53429 5.53429 5.53429 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.51067 2.51067 2.51067 Cambium 8.59059 2.59193 19.2251 Expanding xylem 2.29412 1.82371 2.76412 Expanding and mature xylem 1.927149 0.0 4.13459 Maturing xylem 2.14683 2.14683 2.14683 Wood 11.13542 7.95214 14.3187 Bark 17.591717142857142 12.7075 24.8341 Bark, healthy 30.3854 20.502 45.1582 S1 xylem tracheids 2.4513575 2.18322 2.79923 S1 whole sections 3.3571275 2.90478 3.60485 S2 ray cells 7.78704 7.07146 8.84145 S2 xylem tracheids 5.8727825000000005 5.60988 6.0839 S2 whole sections 3.846095 3.18556 4.58028 Dead late wood 5.76062 5.76062 5.76062 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 3.15986 3.15986 3.15986 Bark, root and butt rot 31.26884 13.1876 45.8794 Vegetative shoots - needles 5.63003 4.12149 7.13857 Vegetative shoots - stem 8.07075 8.07075 8.07075 Vegetative shoots 12.527085 8.92127 16.1329 Girdled twig - stem 10.1511 10.1511 10.1511 Dried twig - needles 5.88026 5.88026 5.88026 Girdled twig - needles 8.77035 8.77035 8.77035 Needles 12.27387888888889 4.82846 28.6516 Needles - dawn 8.58482 8.58482 8.58482 Needles - later afternoon 5.10928 5.10928 5.10928 Needles - midday 5.84508 5.84508 5.84508 Needles - night 4.86405 4.86405 4.86405 Light, 1 hour 11.789023333333333 8.01464 13.6482 Light, 3 hours 9.906123333333333 8.48908 11.4442 Light, 5 hours 12.1925 10.1188 13.2905 Light, 7 hours 11.836866666666667 11.181 13.1231 Light, 9 hours 10.142716666666667 7.87485 11.7125 Light, 13 hours 9.356623333333333 6.88869 11.7836 Light, 15 hours 7.559526666666667 6.80885 8.08523 Darkness, 1 hour 9.860206666666667 9.1108 11.3516 Darkness, 3 hours 9.206183333333334 7.56679 10.2187 Darkness, 5 hours 9.574166666666667 8.25399 10.5101 Darkness, 7 hours 11.145483333333333 9.37735 12.1983 Darkness, 11 hours 6.730546666666666 5.24357 9.13143 Vegetative buds 18.8463 16.8198 21.3347 Female buds 14.412633333333334 6.9108 18.2071 Male buds 13.4853 13.0009 14.0538 Buds 9.2635 8.3442 10.1828 Pineapple galls 13.0358 13.0358 13.0358 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 10.175264444444444 8.20826 12.1899 Somatic germinants - normal type 11.3873125 8.65039 16.1216 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 13.9972 12.5941 15.2164 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 16.347133333333332 15.6558 17.3793 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 17.502766666666666 16.4776 18.7479 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 13.230333333333332 12.133 13.9026 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 12.143699999999999 11.6665 12.6037 Cell culture - solid medium 16.335333333333335 15.1253 17.9831 Somatic embryogenic cell line 10.203922222222223 5.23434 12.9244