condition mean min max Immature female cone 276.574 276.574 276.574 Immature male cones 105.012 105.012 105.012 Cambium and expanding xylem 189.92 189.92 189.92 Cambium 290.8446666666667 217.935 392.37 Expanding xylem 95.604525 76.9146 111.256 Expanding and mature xylem 90.6277 30.6973 167.146 Maturing xylem 108.256 108.256 108.256 Wood 132.5895 125.036 140.143 Bark 207.88165714285714 115.438 325.433 Bark, healthy 66.02328 45.0941 81.298 S1 xylem tracheids 17.3533 13.2396 20.3412 S1 whole sections 47.345725 41.3023 53.6287 S2 ray cells 67.8321 66.1795 69.3002 S2 xylem tracheids 72.20865 68.1734 78.1709 S2 whole sections 63.866025 57.3228 72.8282 Dead late wood 134.112 134.112 134.112 Phloem and cambium 10.0095 10.0095 10.0095 Dear early and late wood 231.626 231.626 231.626 Bark, root and butt rot 81.35472 67.9479 104.064 Vegetative shoots - needles 49.299400000000006 39.7058 58.893 Vegetative shoots - stem 91.0668 91.0668 91.0668 Vegetative shoots 93.69115 22.4383 164.944 Girdled twig - stem 105.884 105.884 105.884 Dried twig - needles 56.9534 56.9534 56.9534 Girdled twig - needles 38.6822 38.6822 38.6822 Needles 119.07890611111111 6.79971 335.617 Needles - dawn 38.5717 38.5717 38.5717 Needles - later afternoon 37.8383 37.8383 37.8383 Needles - midday 48.7202 48.7202 48.7202 Needles - night 46.911 46.911 46.911 Light, 1 hour 106.53123333333333 86.0545 126.006 Light, 3 hours 98.6835 92.0885 102.034 Light, 5 hours 92.40276666666666 75.0188 102.501 Light, 7 hours 108.2405 87.524 140.402 Light, 9 hours 104.28673333333333 86.6618 132.083 Light, 13 hours 103.4592 98.3301 112.995 Light, 15 hours 91.55213333333333 79.1601 103.381 Darkness, 1 hour 108.27033333333334 103.73 112.926 Darkness, 3 hours 98.6389 78.2521 119.096 Darkness, 5 hours 110.7492 95.9526 126.846 Darkness, 7 hours 104.1004 92.0732 112.639 Darkness, 11 hours 79.18776666666666 59.2707 93.9494 Vegetative buds 217.15333333333334 186.164 255.494 Female buds 257.94033333333334 144.643 327.692 Male buds 359.4306666666667 322.891 393.682 Buds 163.87 158.913 168.827 Pineapple galls 82.0061 82.0061 82.0061 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 146.451 119.372 182.671 Somatic germinants - normal type 174.4942 134.345 199.388 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 73.0044 68.874 76.7833 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 137.49366666666668 132.169 141.389 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 164.349 155.714 170.45 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 81.9036 73.7198 88.5222 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 53.24126666666667 46.4325 59.2663 Cell culture - solid medium 149.23166666666668 138.721 164.019 Somatic embryogenic cell line 805.7481111111111 257.718 1170.4