condition mean min max Immature female cone 56.4775 56.4775 56.4775 Immature male cones 29.1628 29.1628 29.1628 Cambium and expanding xylem 20.3349 20.3349 20.3349 Cambium 14.209579999999999 5.01804 25.4605 Expanding xylem 15.949765 7.37356 20.9546 Expanding and mature xylem 9.587340000000001 4.98674 16.6136 Maturing xylem 7.77583 7.77583 7.77583 Wood 46.78545 40.0242 53.5467 Bark 46.735882857142855 26.6866 69.1795 Bark, healthy 66.67364 58.0034 73.8137 S1 xylem tracheids 40.49765 39.4362 42.8724 S1 whole sections 29.47135 27.6645 30.8724 S2 ray cells 56.882475 53.6743 59.8698 S2 xylem tracheids 47.4186 45.8734 48.4196 S2 whole sections 29.012275 27.8696 30.0864 Dead late wood 12.4536 12.4536 12.4536 Phloem and cambium 9.431 9.431 9.431 Dear early and late wood 14.825 14.825 14.825 Bark, root and butt rot 59.12138 45.8886 76.7551 Vegetative shoots - needles 44.65725 43.5051 45.8094 Vegetative shoots - stem 52.8555 52.8555 52.8555 Vegetative shoots 54.1293 50.4994 57.7592 Girdled twig - stem 48.144 48.144 48.144 Dried twig - needles 30.1447 30.1447 30.1447 Girdled twig - needles 48.3899 48.3899 48.3899 Needles 37.86358333333333 24.1452 67.3596 Needles - dawn 40.102 40.102 40.102 Needles - later afternoon 36.1397 36.1397 36.1397 Needles - midday 32.4573 32.4573 32.4573 Needles - night 37.1035 37.1035 37.1035 Light, 1 hour 54.69795 43.5565 66.8645 Light, 3 hours 57.14873333333333 54.7395 59.5914 Light, 5 hours 70.42633333333333 63.5839 76.2343 Light, 7 hours 79.22986666666667 70.4092 91.9787 Light, 9 hours 66.09273333333334 60.5884 76.709 Light, 13 hours 51.78416666666667 45.6043 58.5519 Light, 15 hours 53.656166666666664 50.0526 58.7631 Darkness, 1 hour 71.6248 58.7865 84.8182 Darkness, 3 hours 55.288066666666666 48.7281 63.7303 Darkness, 5 hours 61.771166666666666 57.4554 65.5437 Darkness, 7 hours 47.191500000000005 44.3697 50.1026 Darkness, 11 hours 39.541666666666664 32.3516 53.1869 Vegetative buds 54.8903 45.7982 61.5289 Female buds 49.90593333333333 29.6739 62.3321 Male buds 37.99916666666667 30.2715 50.1984 Buds 55.15555 52.7733 57.5378 Pineapple galls 48.753 48.753 48.753 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 24.26227777777778 19.5416 28.9527 Somatic germinants - normal type 25.99183 22.5207 29.4071 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 20.993399999999998 19.723 22.766 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 27.590933333333332 25.8902 28.7756 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 30.281333333333333 29.4934 31.4788 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 20.42866666666667 18.0468 23.0626 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 21.09423333333333 19.444 22.2313 Cell culture - solid medium 30.467866666666666 29.4851 32.1189 Somatic embryogenic cell line 21.872666666666667 10.6471 27.7974