condition mean min max Immature female cone 15.8203 15.8203 15.8203 Immature male cones 16.658 16.658 16.658 Cambium and expanding xylem 58.5759 58.5759 58.5759 Cambium 96.5247 79.3891 109.152 Expanding xylem 45.688775 38.7974 52.3934 Expanding and mature xylem 44.999775 33.8763 64.8547 Maturing xylem 54.0871 54.0871 54.0871 Wood 19.3858 18.4082 20.3634 Bark 23.92798857142857 15.556 39.2401 Bark, healthy 18.85814 14.4796 21.6977 S1 xylem tracheids 9.7548025 8.52326 10.5774 S1 whole sections 20.09455 18.2234 23.2144 S2 ray cells 25.913175 23.2226 27.3469 S2 xylem tracheids 23.7576 20.1109 25.8418 S2 whole sections 22.26125 20.8632 23.5688 Dead late wood 50.004 50.004 50.004 Phloem and cambium 0.160193 0.160193 0.160193 Dear early and late wood 65.3575 65.3575 65.3575 Bark, root and butt rot 19.273 11.5555 24.521 Vegetative shoots - needles 12.021 11.6614 12.3806 Vegetative shoots - stem 12.7391 12.7391 12.7391 Vegetative shoots 9.557830000000001 5.27066 13.845 Girdled twig - stem 11.7946 11.7946 11.7946 Dried twig - needles 21.0802 21.0802 21.0802 Girdled twig - needles 14.5063 14.5063 14.5063 Needles 10.257632222222222 3.08917 17.4718 Needles - dawn 9.3043 9.3043 9.3043 Needles - later afternoon 14.069 14.069 14.069 Needles - midday 9.68974 9.68974 9.68974 Needles - night 14.5956 14.5956 14.5956 Light, 1 hour 24.150766666666666 21.0787 27.2309 Light, 3 hours 23.875766666666667 22.9963 24.7499 Light, 5 hours 23.9234 18.9031 26.6686 Light, 7 hours 25.5849 21.8492 30.3387 Light, 9 hours 26.919033333333335 24.7206 28.4475 Light, 13 hours 20.95726666666667 19.2649 23.1503 Light, 15 hours 26.218966666666667 21.9081 31.1723 Darkness, 1 hour 25.642633333333333 24.0751 26.4916 Darkness, 3 hours 23.139033333333334 21.0183 25.3236 Darkness, 5 hours 22.466233333333335 16.248 28.7131 Darkness, 7 hours 25.482233333333333 20.0906 30.1183 Darkness, 11 hours 16.5818 13.6983 22.1897 Vegetative buds 12.4574 11.6021 13.9004 Female buds 10.734436666666667 6.31751 13.9791 Male buds 15.281566666666667 14.5647 15.9801 Buds 12.6658 11.536 13.7956 Pineapple galls 15.1956 15.1956 15.1956 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 17.770500000000002 15.4146 21.7448 Somatic germinants - normal type 18.43492 14.8332 24.3967 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 91.61893333333333 87.1908 96.2038 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 91.8247 89.7157 95.4741 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 83.75133333333333 83.4883 84.0117 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 97.02296666666668 96.4201 98.1259 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 74.80763333333333 71.8274 77.8495 Cell culture - solid medium 65.4788 63.7081 68.4354 Somatic embryogenic cell line 64.7042 27.5144 76.368