condition mean min max Immature female cone 327.864 327.864 327.864 Immature male cones 7706.33 7706.33 7706.33 Cambium and expanding xylem 46.8932 46.8932 46.8932 Cambium 19.6289 10.8388 29.034 Expanding xylem 22.1892 17.2145 31.5878 Expanding and mature xylem 56.11095 21.0031 144.163 Maturing xylem 46.038 46.038 46.038 Wood 23.543490000000002 8.89898 38.188 Bark 2103.7486285714285 391.039 7966.45 Bark, healthy 4323.51 1005.47 10816.4 S1 xylem tracheids 31.952550000000002 25.2536 46.9425 S1 whole sections 65.69262499999999 40.6218 84.9027 S2 ray cells 81.43435 66.2811 99.4413 S2 xylem tracheids 172.22875 147.371 200.866 S2 whole sections 67.69775 59.5871 76.7192 Dead late wood 494.405 494.405 494.405 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 96.4597 96.4597 96.4597 Bark, root and butt rot 4342.999 879.873 17783.0 Vegetative shoots - needles 68426.70000000001 63002.8 73850.6 Vegetative shoots - stem 745.749 745.749 745.749 Vegetative shoots 993.4098 3.5396 1983.28 Girdled twig - stem 573.637 573.637 573.637 Dried twig - needles 37046.5 37046.5 37046.5 Girdled twig - needles 35505.2 35505.2 35505.2 Needles 19339.01815 31.1599 157740.0 Needles - dawn 35361.9 35361.9 35361.9 Needles - later afternoon 41285.9 41285.9 41285.9 Needles - midday 42697.6 42697.6 42697.6 Needles - night 38247.3 38247.3 38247.3 Light, 1 hour 53653.333333333336 40546.8 65943.5 Light, 3 hours 49299.63333333334 44668.8 51620.3 Light, 5 hours 46325.76666666666 41354.7 48938.2 Light, 7 hours 45889.833333333336 41412.9 50813.9 Light, 9 hours 51749.66666666667 41883.8 58404.3 Light, 13 hours 66129.76666666666 57674.3 79126.1 Light, 15 hours 55045.7 47210.7 60243.7 Darkness, 1 hour 58314.7 49976.7 67636.8 Darkness, 3 hours 43933.46666666667 37738.9 48961.6 Darkness, 5 hours 49187.433333333334 35573.1 66719.0 Darkness, 7 hours 46821.166666666664 36965.9 55066.4 Darkness, 11 hours 44889.1 31812.7 58933.7 Vegetative buds 3081.9733333333334 1953.96 4470.45 Female buds 84.00316666666667 54.2697 142.336 Male buds 123.06216666666667 15.3605 222.311 Buds 1875.7 1754.69 1996.71 Pineapple galls 1235.2 1235.2 1235.2 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 89343.99444444444 71813.0 131593.0 Somatic germinants - normal type 73652.54 42444.8 101693.0 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 1280.4066666666668 1119.25 1495.57 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 614.3526666666667 587.709 659.153 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 379.5026666666667 348.6 432.327 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 668.0586666666667 485.838 767.351 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 2211.2 1896.18 2430.2 Cell culture - solid medium 544.5286666666666 448.193 708.06 Somatic embryogenic cell line 4.7946333333333335 0.0 12.5859