condition mean min max Immature female cone 31.3807 31.3807 31.3807 Immature male cones 22.1622 22.1622 22.1622 Cambium and expanding xylem 23.1117 23.1117 23.1117 Cambium 31.187733333333334 28.7708 33.993 Expanding xylem 32.791825 24.3597 42.5854 Expanding and mature xylem 30.483375000000002 26.6195 34.6944 Maturing xylem 22.5198 22.5198 22.5198 Wood 38.93865 32.3663 45.511 Bark 36.508277142857146 23.1668 49.6034 Bark, healthy 24.35312 18.4517 27.7749 S1 xylem tracheids 49.4275 47.9344 50.3511 S1 whole sections 27.725 25.9818 29.6137 S2 ray cells 38.904575 35.9333 40.797 S2 xylem tracheids 40.67065 38.8016 43.5962 S2 whole sections 24.181575 23.6178 24.5022 Dead late wood 33.0587 33.0587 33.0587 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 40.1312 40.1312 40.1312 Bark, root and butt rot 24.4941 19.0219 27.4687 Vegetative shoots - needles 29.77775 29.6945 29.861 Vegetative shoots - stem 37.2998 37.2998 37.2998 Vegetative shoots 27.21465 17.1964 37.2329 Girdled twig - stem 29.4669 29.4669 29.4669 Dried twig - needles 22.5969 22.5969 22.5969 Girdled twig - needles 24.1973 24.1973 24.1973 Needles 22.697383333333335 11.9729 33.1623 Needles - dawn 30.0775 30.0775 30.0775 Needles - later afternoon 25.8899 25.8899 25.8899 Needles - midday 22.0338 22.0338 22.0338 Needles - night 27.0476 27.0476 27.0476 Light, 1 hour 41.57225 38.6971 46.3946 Light, 3 hours 45.133 42.3858 47.7969 Light, 5 hours 42.323166666666665 36.8337 45.2838 Light, 7 hours 45.662866666666666 42.1208 50.5869 Light, 9 hours 38.89086666666667 33.0848 44.0088 Light, 13 hours 39.428666666666665 38.4526 41.2792 Light, 15 hours 46.325633333333336 43.1783 51.1591 Darkness, 1 hour 36.884566666666665 33.66 41.7389 Darkness, 3 hours 40.51963333333333 37.1029 43.9621 Darkness, 5 hours 35.48396666666667 29.6196 40.0645 Darkness, 7 hours 42.65363333333333 36.3284 49.4529 Darkness, 11 hours 34.38553333333333 22.1469 44.5357 Vegetative buds 41.4759 40.3415 42.7927 Female buds 31.006533333333334 19.3066 37.537 Male buds 40.252833333333335 37.9 43.6987 Buds 37.0662 33.3183 40.8141 Pineapple galls 32.6738 32.6738 32.6738 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 29.596494444444446 26.2655 34.8377 Somatic germinants - normal type 29.003045 26.7818 32.119 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 33.954633333333334 33.4197 34.3643 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 33.8133 32.9311 34.8432 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 36.0631 34.7469 38.3591 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 31.0781 30.1056 32.8559 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 29.1614 28.5687 29.6401 Cell culture - solid medium 40.437733333333334 37.5152 43.1139 Somatic embryogenic cell line 25.5923 11.088 33.9461