condition mean min max Immature female cone 62.6813 62.6813 62.6813 Immature male cones 81.461 81.461 81.461 Cambium and expanding xylem 1025.04 1025.04 1025.04 Cambium 647.8056666666666 464.439 775.919 Expanding xylem 677.47225 509.317 797.73 Expanding and mature xylem 1901.98 1017.04 3169.77 Maturing xylem 4125.66 4125.66 4125.66 Wood 118.522 102.632 134.412 Bark 113.33945142857142 50.0233 244.628 Bark, healthy 61.50274 30.9615 88.8164 S1 xylem tracheids 35.4952 32.5804 38.1618 S1 whole sections 55.560325 53.6082 56.8599 S2 ray cells 38.367575 37.2157 39.2785 S2 xylem tracheids 71.577075 67.5574 78.6822 S2 whole sections 53.90145 50.8444 58.5879 Dead late wood 1538.71 1538.71 1538.71 Phloem and cambium 2824.72 2824.72 2824.72 Dear early and late wood 3479.3 3479.3 3479.3 Bark, root and butt rot 106.26988 63.7813 166.887 Vegetative shoots - needles 59.418400000000005 47.5675 71.2693 Vegetative shoots - stem 264.347 264.347 264.347 Vegetative shoots 79.61 55.662 103.558 Girdled twig - stem 152.0 152.0 152.0 Dried twig - needles 123.126 123.126 123.126 Girdled twig - needles 67.072 67.072 67.072 Needles 55.87103888888889 18.0147 169.053 Needles - dawn 75.462 75.462 75.462 Needles - later afternoon 79.8191 79.8191 79.8191 Needles - midday 73.275 73.275 73.275 Needles - night 85.4057 85.4057 85.4057 Light, 1 hour 161.62233333333333 125.863 207.69 Light, 3 hours 127.039 110.473 143.534 Light, 5 hours 113.09623333333334 98.3979 141.36 Light, 7 hours 101.9026 88.5678 115.412 Light, 9 hours 109.80206666666666 84.4442 132.087 Light, 13 hours 113.97173333333333 81.9117 175.659 Light, 15 hours 117.249 107.773 134.884 Darkness, 1 hour 107.05153333333334 83.1296 128.215 Darkness, 3 hours 132.22966666666667 108.229 158.727 Darkness, 5 hours 141.26066666666668 123.183 156.578 Darkness, 7 hours 201.16366666666667 182.018 231.629 Darkness, 11 hours 82.73536666666666 63.3137 114.77 Vegetative buds 278.94933333333336 198.634 339.897 Female buds 208.57533333333333 107.48 310.067 Male buds 146.14466666666667 111.898 172.687 Buds 126.43575000000001 86.0655 166.806 Pineapple galls 93.3043 93.3043 93.3043 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 156.46783333333335 100.517 187.151 Somatic germinants - normal type 155.12745 100.148 215.654 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 87.22596666666666 82.0174 95.8478 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 150.64866666666666 144.753 161.87 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 209.907 186.918 224.155 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 90.04873333333333 81.6588 95.2594 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 95.09683333333334 87.8605 104.639 Cell culture - solid medium 127.65533333333333 124.355 131.07 Somatic embryogenic cell line 44.928022222222225 25.1064 58.4202