condition mean min max Immature female cone 51.381 51.381 51.381 Immature male cones 23.5649 23.5649 23.5649 Cambium and expanding xylem 23.9278 23.9278 23.9278 Cambium 31.004966666666668 24.1994 41.7578 Expanding xylem 18.6004 11.6126 21.9156 Expanding and mature xylem 13.227662500000001 1.06175 22.8248 Maturing xylem 24.2081 24.2081 24.2081 Wood 46.5162 45.1676 47.8648 Bark 65.43345714285714 45.1014 83.3933 Bark, healthy 46.80854 38.4032 55.6832 S1 xylem tracheids 65.9319 60.7008 73.0411 S1 whole sections 50.05055 45.7302 52.9103 S2 ray cells 72.490025 70.2545 77.3301 S2 xylem tracheids 71.8882 68.7419 76.1018 S2 whole sections 48.3087 45.1767 52.0295 Dead late wood 15.6873 15.6873 15.6873 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 25.8858 25.8858 25.8858 Bark, root and butt rot 43.5679 37.2731 47.0853 Vegetative shoots - needles 28.974 28.6551 29.2929 Vegetative shoots - stem 42.0633 42.0633 42.0633 Vegetative shoots 28.9351 27.3069 30.5633 Girdled twig - stem 45.0858 45.0858 45.0858 Dried twig - needles 37.2607 37.2607 37.2607 Girdled twig - needles 29.3499 29.3499 29.3499 Needles 38.14247777777778 15.6284 62.0015 Needles - dawn 30.312 30.312 30.312 Needles - later afternoon 27.513 27.513 27.513 Needles - midday 25.2428 25.2428 25.2428 Needles - night 28.1457 28.1457 28.1457 Light, 1 hour 42.81105 31.4886 57.7783 Light, 3 hours 30.925933333333333 29.3171 33.299 Light, 5 hours 37.7766 36.032 40.8737 Light, 7 hours 32.1369 29.9812 35.8441 Light, 9 hours 30.420533333333335 23.3529 37.6464 Light, 13 hours 36.316633333333336 30.0676 44.8053 Light, 15 hours 35.751466666666666 32.7878 37.5842 Darkness, 1 hour 33.3536 27.2178 43.7412 Darkness, 3 hours 33.832233333333335 27.8591 45.3323 Darkness, 5 hours 35.4872 32.3276 39.9261 Darkness, 7 hours 49.34576666666667 45.7904 55.3414 Darkness, 11 hours 27.0747 17.4025 36.3352 Vegetative buds 58.8157 54.0208 63.9667 Female buds 58.25776666666667 43.3268 67.1241 Male buds 72.21053333333333 66.4973 79.846 Buds 51.68005 51.3879 51.9722 Pineapple galls 44.798 44.798 44.798 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 51.61661111111111 41.5898 60.2116 Somatic germinants - normal type 54.42653 47.8568 66.2275 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 34.7474 32.791 36.6186 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 53.807433333333336 51.8942 57.2384 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 51.76593333333334 47.7735 56.5799 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 36.53146666666667 34.0591 38.8872 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 28.198833333333333 27.2689 29.5254 Cell culture - solid medium 44.50856666666667 41.3018 47.9564 Somatic embryogenic cell line 43.0225 18.0238 50.5035