condition mean min max Immature female cone 6.24443 6.24443 6.24443 Immature male cones 12.4565 12.4565 12.4565 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.301011 0.301011 0.301011 Cambium 0.5748721666666666 0.0248495 1.29874 Expanding xylem 0.3418255 0.128387 0.493911 Expanding and mature xylem 0.331571675 0.0529737 0.66681 Maturing xylem 0.886565 0.886565 0.886565 Wood 0.8541725 0.497335 1.21101 Bark 60.638704 3.61264 148.637 Bark, healthy 264.074 173.572 319.312 S1 xylem tracheids 0.0 0.0 0.0 S1 whole sections 0.2496045 0.166485 0.316067 S2 ray cells 0.31713349999999996 0.217775 0.405948 S2 xylem tracheids 0.025176524999999998 0.0 0.0687062 S2 whole sections 0.25736175 0.233523 0.275781 Dead late wood 2.6209 2.6209 2.6209 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.385721 0.385721 0.385721 Bark, root and butt rot 206.1286 170.238 295.439 Vegetative shoots - needles 5.723355 5.46429 5.98242 Vegetative shoots - stem 5.06232 5.06232 5.06232 Vegetative shoots 10.71637 2.06544 19.3673 Girdled twig - stem 5.04974 5.04974 5.04974 Dried twig - needles 44.9423 44.9423 44.9423 Girdled twig - needles 22.1482 22.1482 22.1482 Needles 5.469301277777777 0.781251 59.2331 Needles - dawn 10.2603 10.2603 10.2603 Needles - later afternoon 9.73094 9.73094 9.73094 Needles - midday 12.4548 12.4548 12.4548 Needles - night 11.5363 11.5363 11.5363 Light, 1 hour 31.4858 24.2998 40.6652 Light, 3 hours 39.268166666666666 22.9365 51.3371 Light, 5 hours 34.46576666666667 26.675 48.7174 Light, 7 hours 36.6886 26.5228 46.6409 Light, 9 hours 29.4789 24.6312 36.7542 Light, 13 hours 34.71236666666667 27.855 43.8696 Light, 15 hours 34.92803333333333 20.7869 46.6408 Darkness, 1 hour 39.682833333333335 36.2712 45.5862 Darkness, 3 hours 36.0195 25.5364 45.2547 Darkness, 5 hours 35.429899999999996 29.4007 45.2957 Darkness, 7 hours 45.63126666666667 37.6756 52.4612 Darkness, 11 hours 23.790633333333332 17.1434 33.2598 Vegetative buds 5.248313333333333 2.69872 9.45088 Female buds 2.4497 1.73869 3.81241 Male buds 2.19388 1.07149 4.31542 Buds 11.19916 8.85262 13.5457 Pineapple galls 11.9027 11.9027 11.9027 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 16.498366666666666 11.7324 28.4516 Somatic germinants - normal type 17.39275 11.1201 24.5114 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 69.78773333333334 60.277 75.9855 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 12.879733333333332 11.6275 14.615 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 7.73933 6.8001 8.5772 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 48.740633333333335 45.6221 54.9662 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 43.2055 37.4428 46.7282 Cell culture - solid medium 6.2712666666666665 5.50171 7.61217 Somatic embryogenic cell line 1.871838 0.605322 2.85094