condition mean min max Immature female cone 152.811 152.811 152.811 Immature male cones 17.8736 17.8736 17.8736 Cambium and expanding xylem 136.99 136.99 136.99 Cambium 231.43983333333333 69.3355 327.438 Expanding xylem 47.289825 13.5484 67.3535 Expanding and mature xylem 37.317175 32.3217 42.7361 Maturing xylem 44.2407 44.2407 44.2407 Wood 220.34300000000002 177.958 262.728 Bark 49.350298571428574 3.40575 225.297 Bark, healthy 28.05276 12.7038 46.3624 S1 xylem tracheids 4.3416475 3.87917 4.69594 S1 whole sections 21.446475 20.0258 22.8593 S2 ray cells 49.2329 47.0542 50.5567 S2 xylem tracheids 59.474675 56.6165 62.58 S2 whole sections 27.956825000000002 25.2129 30.5679 Dead late wood 40.7036 40.7036 40.7036 Phloem and cambium 91.4049 91.4049 91.4049 Dear early and late wood 31.9507 31.9507 31.9507 Bark, root and butt rot 43.350860000000004 29.6216 75.7463 Vegetative shoots - needles 14.7034 11.5336 17.8732 Vegetative shoots - stem 278.692 278.692 278.692 Vegetative shoots 73.7453 70.4545 77.0361 Girdled twig - stem 107.769 107.769 107.769 Dried twig - needles 3.15681 3.15681 3.15681 Girdled twig - needles 11.8383 11.8383 11.8383 Needles 46.846690555555554 1.26135 98.9868 Needles - dawn 4.13774 4.13774 4.13774 Needles - later afternoon 2.47546 2.47546 2.47546 Needles - midday 3.54117 3.54117 3.54117 Needles - night 2.09633 2.09633 2.09633 Light, 1 hour 200.899 124.694 254.809 Light, 3 hours 140.98763333333335 90.7329 194.282 Light, 5 hours 218.744 179.051 275.912 Light, 7 hours 199.05733333333333 138.875 232.282 Light, 9 hours 171.783 145.897 189.906 Light, 13 hours 152.00333333333333 118.431 182.356 Light, 15 hours 168.72366666666667 122.94 217.467 Darkness, 1 hour 219.23933333333335 190.499 246.151 Darkness, 3 hours 201.728 144.806 254.009 Darkness, 5 hours 211.165 199.273 217.638 Darkness, 7 hours 161.29233333333332 129.968 195.815 Darkness, 11 hours 149.30266666666665 106.093 224.237 Vegetative buds 122.87733333333334 103.357 137.048 Female buds 119.67956666666666 82.4807 145.702 Male buds 63.515299999999996 56.9223 74.3877 Buds 158.58825 64.9995 252.177 Pineapple galls 136.699 136.699 136.699 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 77.36270555555555 54.4887 120.417 Somatic germinants - normal type 53.1779 37.1808 87.8023 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 2.3832933333333335 2.06874 2.7072 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 15.712833333333334 12.4845 17.3516 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 16.629666666666665 14.4178 20.0276 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 3.2189200000000002 2.68054 3.59577 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 2.2746033333333333 1.47601 3.77556 Cell culture - solid medium 24.119933333333332 21.9223 25.6661 Somatic embryogenic cell line 3.8292444444444445 1.27534 7.75827