condition mean min max Immature female cone 0.0 0.0 0.0 Immature male cones 0.243648 0.243648 0.243648 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.0551 2.0551 2.0551 Cambium 1.7733633333333334 0.56783 2.77489 Expanding xylem 0.50428775 0.0 1.33597 Expanding and mature xylem 0.38719349999999997 0.0 0.900265 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 0.634468 0.150046 1.11889 Bark 0.967975 0.0 6.68038 Bark, healthy 9.56287 2.13055 20.6489 S1 xylem tracheids 0.0 0.0 0.0 S1 whole sections 14.0732 12.6091 15.4907 S2 ray cells 17.688675 16.0996 19.4431 S2 xylem tracheids 4.5372525 4.14343 5.22104 S2 whole sections 15.41905 14.3297 17.2083 Dead late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bark, root and butt rot 27.954718 5.02379 94.3556 Vegetative shoots - needles 0.202581 0.0 0.405162 Vegetative shoots - stem 5.69168 5.69168 5.69168 Vegetative shoots 0.3051106 0.0695382 0.540683 Girdled twig - stem 0.210646 0.210646 0.210646 Dried twig - needles 0.258879 0.258879 0.258879 Girdled twig - needles 0.0 0.0 0.0 Needles 0.43545666666666666 0.0 3.15315 Needles - dawn 0.0 0.0 0.0 Needles - later afternoon 0.0 0.0 0.0 Needles - midday 0.0 0.0 0.0 Needles - night 0.0 0.0 0.0 Light, 1 hour 0.14092 0.0 0.489987 Light, 3 hours 0.0 0.0 0.0 Light, 5 hours 0.20795733333333333 0.0 0.514564 Light, 7 hours 0.2931786666666667 0.0 0.458747 Light, 9 hours 0.07025663333333333 0.0 0.121283 Light, 13 hours 0.17066876666666667 0.0899643 0.23301 Light, 15 hours 0.35595333333333334 0.0 1.06786 Darkness, 1 hour 0.29354966666666665 0.195718 0.438376 Darkness, 3 hours 0.08001233333333334 0.0 0.240037 Darkness, 5 hours 0.06942753333333333 0.0 0.126847 Darkness, 7 hours 0.0323676 0.0 0.0971028 Darkness, 11 hours 0.250246 0.0 0.750738 Vegetative buds 0.4446233333333333 0.314648 0.560737 Female buds 1.1080933333333334 0.275141 2.1769 Male buds 3.766986666666667 1.78872 5.89102 Buds 28.8844 20.2005 37.5683 Pineapple galls 0.298204 0.298204 0.298204 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 1.2701572222222222 0.0 6.77562 Somatic germinants - normal type 2.1445579 0.240997 6.80603 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 0.13869633333333334 0.0 0.315981 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 0.17019130000000002 0.0938699 0.305549 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 0.20202533333333333 0.0 0.411941 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 0.12876823333333334 0.0849307 0.207799 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 0.15928003333333335 0.0841851 0.209399 Cell culture - solid medium 0.18252466666666667 0.0 0.324114 Somatic embryogenic cell line 1.20689 0.529305 2.62236