condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	185.059	185.059	185.059
Immature male cones	15.2828	15.2828	15.2828
Cambium and expanding xylem	23.1714	23.1714	23.1714
Cambium	5.149946666666667	3.15755	8.47422
Expanding xylem	24.3536	13.9316	38.891
Expanding and mature xylem	2.765768	0.432382	5.45324
Maturing xylem	0.962347	0.962347	0.962347
Wood	160.843	124.056	197.63
Bark	32.431147714285714	3.32892	92.4936
Bark, healthy	13.77962	10.2789	17.1311
S1 xylem tracheids	166.3315	164.876	169.173
S1 whole sections	217.904	214.425	222.376
S2 ray cells	204.99475	200.832	210.663
S2 xylem tracheids	153.20024999999998	149.779	155.844
S2 whole sections	212.22674999999998	207.553	218.48
Dead late wood	1.91495	1.91495	1.91495
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	4.96553	4.96553	4.96553
Bark, root and butt rot	13.007648	9.19694	16.7643
Vegetative shoots - needles	40.46995	39.1414	41.7985
Vegetative shoots - stem	90.1487	90.1487	90.1487
Vegetative shoots	184.6478	57.4446	311.851
Girdled twig - stem	61.9967	61.9967	61.9967
Dried twig - needles	4.65014	4.65014	4.65014
Girdled twig - needles	29.5577	29.5577	29.5577
Needles	390.0536222222222	25.2549	719.818
Needles - dawn	42.5547	42.5547	42.5547
Needles - later afternoon	30.72	30.72	30.72
Needles - midday	23.9675	23.9675	23.9675
Needles - night	28.9506	28.9506	28.9506
Light, 1 hour	68.81101666666666	45.6356	96.1457
Light, 3 hours	87.03173333333334	64.0567	105.584
Light, 5 hours	99.41166666666666	96.0076	104.409
Light, 7 hours	128.35933333333332	114.911	143.126
Light, 9 hours	107.7989	94.7607	123.63
Light, 13 hours	80.99576666666667	71.3543	96.7867
Light, 15 hours	84.79866666666668	73.2044	96.6606
Darkness, 1 hour	77.75436666666667	68.5235	84.6894
Darkness, 3 hours	70.07873333333333	60.9168	82.9074
Darkness, 5 hours	65.2004	48.8594	81.0022
Darkness, 7 hours	61.35526666666667	47.1591	88.3914
Darkness, 11 hours	78.88346666666666	63.3695	101.453
Vegetative buds	104.35629999999999	96.3239	108.481
Female buds	63.97326666666667	51.2077	75.4058
Male buds	53.78353333333334	48.0022	62.9483
Buds	153.836	139.702	167.97
Pineapple galls	369.743	369.743	369.743
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	32.78082777777778	25.4536	39.4182
Somatic germinants - normal type	74.67792	45.5289	107.398
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	7.423356666666667	6.13111	8.86926
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	10.4079	10.2074	10.5677
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	24.437566666666665	23.5835	24.8901
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	7.602096666666666	6.22766	8.84469
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	8.138706666666666	6.69024	9.80088
Cell culture - solid medium	50.5649	48.6822	51.7463
Somatic embryogenic cell line	6.769316666666667	3.04501	8.55934