condition mean min max Immature female cone 12.7268 12.7268 12.7268 Immature male cones 11.1135 11.1135 11.1135 Cambium and expanding xylem 1.37352 1.37352 1.37352 Cambium 2.941321 0.318243 6.71984 Expanding xylem 2.1358224999999997 1.61104 2.77959 Expanding and mature xylem 1.3708485 0.32847 3.30854 Maturing xylem 1.05025 1.05025 1.05025 Wood 17.11285 16.343 17.8827 Bark 23.952905714285713 16.7551 34.4615 Bark, healthy 39.84034 32.8381 49.0203 S1 xylem tracheids 10.5994 10.1904 10.9825 S1 whole sections 14.024750000000001 12.7474 14.5069 S2 ray cells 20.002850000000002 19.6606 20.7699 S2 xylem tracheids 12.3025 11.3387 12.8903 S2 whole sections 12.645800000000001 12.0519 13.1788 Dead late wood 0.981605 0.981605 0.981605 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 3.21904 3.21904 3.21904 Bark, root and butt rot 38.51114 29.6762 57.6559 Vegetative shoots - needles 12.050899999999999 11.5422 12.5596 Vegetative shoots - stem 16.6051 16.6051 16.6051 Vegetative shoots 10.74585 10.1521 11.3396 Girdled twig - stem 17.7573 17.7573 17.7573 Dried twig - needles 11.9168 11.9168 11.9168 Girdled twig - needles 15.046 15.046 15.046 Needles 20.604016666666666 8.5427 44.256 Needles - dawn 14.0514 14.0514 14.0514 Needles - later afternoon 12.2681 12.2681 12.2681 Needles - midday 13.5426 13.5426 13.5426 Needles - night 11.175 11.175 11.175 Light, 1 hour 26.901516666666666 23.4937 32.0972 Light, 3 hours 25.089233333333333 23.5795 27.8121 Light, 5 hours 25.9839 21.1246 32.1463 Light, 7 hours 29.703866666666666 25.8533 32.8273 Light, 9 hours 24.8295 22.4185 29.1706 Light, 13 hours 24.240466666666666 22.3109 26.1482 Light, 15 hours 23.6579 21.4648 25.1672 Darkness, 1 hour 27.924799999999998 26.0951 29.0768 Darkness, 3 hours 25.648766666666667 24.7175 26.5742 Darkness, 5 hours 24.673866666666665 22.0452 26.6943 Darkness, 7 hours 29.027833333333334 26.9607 30.1104 Darkness, 11 hours 18.698966666666667 14.1255 24.028 Vegetative buds 28.97126666666667 28.2496 29.7694 Female buds 22.862333333333332 15.349 26.8562 Male buds 28.9632 26.3492 32.8718 Buds 17.58895 16.6626 18.5153 Pineapple galls 13.1852 13.1852 13.1852 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 13.282772222222222 10.3752 18.7089 Somatic germinants - normal type 15.730545 9.6638 22.5383 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 15.804833333333333 15.5585 16.0074 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 20.3451 19.959 20.7656 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 22.02863333333333 21.688 22.2376 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 16.461 15.4686 17.1365 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 14.591833333333334 13.6498 15.1401 Cell culture - solid medium 21.4685 21.2219 21.718 Somatic embryogenic cell line 17.971636666666665 7.94103 22.5512