condition mean min max Immature female cone 4.04828 4.04828 4.04828 Immature male cones 15.7066 15.7066 15.7066 Cambium and expanding xylem 13.2425 13.2425 13.2425 Cambium 13.415213333333334 4.37314 20.7476 Expanding xylem 6.643532499999999 3.12709 8.57419 Expanding and mature xylem 5.9406925 1.57372 8.84351 Maturing xylem 4.82999 4.82999 4.82999 Wood 8.28712 6.86245 9.71179 Bark 39.35874114285714 9.81974 117.209 Bark, healthy 11.95443 7.37903 16.5366 S1 xylem tracheids 8.06654 6.91078 8.74015 S1 whole sections 4.624115 4.24894 5.15043 S2 ray cells 5.1923075 4.58882 5.68437 S2 xylem tracheids 4.730435 4.01914 5.87803 S2 whole sections 6.3838825 5.31609 7.22675 Dead late wood 5.3508 5.3508 5.3508 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 2.65939 2.65939 2.65939 Bark, root and butt rot 8.261566 6.3146 9.34437 Vegetative shoots - needles 17.05205 16.8328 17.2713 Vegetative shoots - stem 4.8782 4.8782 4.8782 Vegetative shoots 6.73676 6.03255 7.44097 Girdled twig - stem 5.64422 5.64422 5.64422 Dried twig - needles 27.3975 27.3975 27.3975 Girdled twig - needles 12.7987 12.7987 12.7987 Needles 5.666492222222223 1.78244 28.4925 Needles - dawn 19.623 19.623 19.623 Needles - later afternoon 16.0982 16.0982 16.0982 Needles - midday 18.6411 18.6411 18.6411 Needles - night 21.7219 21.7219 21.7219 Light, 1 hour 22.5684 19.4729 28.3037 Light, 3 hours 23.2854 19.4656 29.7659 Light, 5 hours 21.850933333333334 17.9128 23.9046 Light, 7 hours 23.073233333333334 21.5799 24.0055 Light, 9 hours 22.496333333333332 19.0435 24.4365 Light, 13 hours 23.145366666666668 19.5818 28.9104 Light, 15 hours 24.963966666666668 22.1202 29.6396 Darkness, 1 hour 24.792766666666665 19.8621 28.2474 Darkness, 3 hours 25.580233333333332 21.9261 29.1919 Darkness, 5 hours 23.073900000000002 14.5409 29.7288 Darkness, 7 hours 23.449933333333334 17.9397 27.2688 Darkness, 11 hours 18.070999999999998 11.2319 26.8025 Vegetative buds 6.214826666666667 6.03084 6.53679 Female buds 4.654623333333333 2.84074 6.24014 Male buds 3.6924733333333335 2.02296 6.61568 Buds 3.277825 2.65759 3.89806 Pineapple galls 5.01991 5.01991 5.01991 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 5.922611111111111 3.40199 8.21462 Somatic germinants - normal type 6.3937065 4.71859 8.85664 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 3.0769866666666665 2.88636 3.34425 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 2.04493 1.5949 2.72696 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 1.92075 1.72019 2.02668 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 3.028306666666667 2.6032 3.50223 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 3.58772 3.27004 4.15347 Cell culture - solid medium 2.4345533333333336 2.19935 2.65485 Somatic embryogenic cell line 11.68324 5.90956 14.8435