condition mean min max Immature female cone 13.1943 13.1943 13.1943 Immature male cones 9.41575 9.41575 9.41575 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.86112 2.86112 2.86112 Cambium 3.0183633333333333 1.06726 5.78444 Expanding xylem 2.3013775 1.47478 3.76729 Expanding and mature xylem 0.537897675 0.0 1.40914 Maturing xylem 0.624208 0.624208 0.624208 Wood 16.3529 12.6529 20.0529 Bark 6.638434285714286 3.53845 10.5218 Bark, healthy 12.41308 10.7534 13.6393 S1 xylem tracheids 12.456075 11.8043 13.72 S1 whole sections 16.2531 15.5589 17.0134 S2 ray cells 17.19145 16.3788 17.9188 S2 xylem tracheids 9.2950375 8.92919 9.72372 S2 whole sections 17.881925000000003 17.3991 18.9094 Dead late wood 0.783368 0.783368 0.783368 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.720034 0.720034 0.720034 Bark, root and butt rot 10.415906 7.95754 14.1385 Vegetative shoots - needles 10.353635 7.08087 13.6264 Vegetative shoots - stem 6.58021 6.58021 6.58021 Vegetative shoots 11.17063 8.61556 13.7257 Girdled twig - stem 8.30771 8.30771 8.30771 Dried twig - needles 36.0132 36.0132 36.0132 Girdled twig - needles 19.137 19.137 19.137 Needles 17.597758333333335 4.18889 37.2755 Needles - dawn 22.6217 22.6217 22.6217 Needles - later afternoon 14.0725 14.0725 14.0725 Needles - midday 18.6 18.6 18.6 Needles - night 16.2287 16.2287 16.2287 Light, 1 hour 8.811526666666667 6.04186 10.4008 Light, 3 hours 8.10706 7.56566 8.92648 Light, 5 hours 8.712073333333334 6.78321 12.0995 Light, 7 hours 8.895386666666667 7.25566 10.3413 Light, 9 hours 7.77443 6.22227 9.58929 Light, 13 hours 8.39518 6.54133 9.34559 Light, 15 hours 7.7902466666666665 6.64284 9.20963 Darkness, 1 hour 10.30763 8.76158 12.422 Darkness, 3 hours 8.54083 7.51204 10.095 Darkness, 5 hours 8.196893333333334 6.70155 9.15192 Darkness, 7 hours 12.680766666666667 10.7189 15.3731 Darkness, 11 hours 5.81977 4.11837 8.15889 Vegetative buds 12.6332 10.9865 15.5412 Female buds 9.617226666666667 6.17128 11.6228 Male buds 20.169133333333335 18.4163 23.1252 Buds 13.51115 13.0637 13.9586 Pineapple galls 9.81009 9.81009 9.81009 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 4.363091666666667 3.21118 6.05052 Somatic germinants - normal type 5.9707915 3.35902 11.2957 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 9.057513333333333 8.90677 9.34654 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 9.36063 8.86062 9.74712 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 9.620723333333332 9.44212 9.83375 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 7.539576666666667 7.47708 7.62593 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 7.992886666666667 7.63232 8.1796 Cell culture - solid medium 11.4002 11.1269 11.5666 Somatic embryogenic cell line 13.14069888888889 7.21419 15.8747