condition mean min max Immature female cone 20.0312 20.0312 20.0312 Immature male cones 9.8674 9.8674 9.8674 Cambium and expanding xylem 8.63906 8.63906 8.63906 Cambium 10.180653333333334 8.97905 11.6628 Expanding xylem 6.2857525 5.45238 7.05709 Expanding and mature xylem 5.132029999999999 1.90644 8.32181 Maturing xylem 8.93996 8.93996 8.93996 Wood 6.158765 5.52049 6.79704 Bark 12.637375714285714 3.51654 35.5372 Bark, healthy 2.620166 1.08731 4.52018 S1 xylem tracheids 1.1617975 1.08976 1.30865 S1 whole sections 2.6417875 2.26805 3.02007 S2 ray cells 3.5601399999999996 3.30776 4.03417 S2 xylem tracheids 3.0111049999999997 2.66625 3.27688 S2 whole sections 1.985775 1.34995 2.47507 Dead late wood 15.2392 15.2392 15.2392 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 13.0675 13.0675 13.0675 Bark, root and butt rot 2.514314 1.13305 3.69827 Vegetative shoots - needles 176.0115 145.072 206.951 Vegetative shoots - stem 19.6404 19.6404 19.6404 Vegetative shoots 111.51315000000001 41.3933 181.633 Girdled twig - stem 15.076 15.076 15.076 Dried twig - needles 61.8392 61.8392 61.8392 Girdled twig - needles 177.334 177.334 177.334 Needles 166.7768888888889 11.1554 396.588 Needles - dawn 152.219 152.219 152.219 Needles - later afternoon 195.152 195.152 195.152 Needles - midday 180.232 180.232 180.232 Needles - night 180.635 180.635 180.635 Light, 1 hour 245.76833333333335 218.598 286.757 Light, 3 hours 251.71466666666666 171.032 361.881 Light, 5 hours 230.639 174.116 294.24 Light, 7 hours 217.08666666666667 162.152 249.035 Light, 9 hours 233.00366666666667 181.356 259.276 Light, 13 hours 233.33566666666667 205.941 258.276 Light, 15 hours 253.606 221.365 298.322 Darkness, 1 hour 160.164 120.267 190.715 Darkness, 3 hours 205.70966666666666 194.894 219.639 Darkness, 5 hours 151.58166666666668 124.007 180.978 Darkness, 7 hours 199.59533333333331 174.956 244.749 Darkness, 11 hours 189.13433333333333 111.228 264.653 Vegetative buds 11.6356 10.8285 12.8906 Female buds 13.587873333333334 6.97322 17.1108 Male buds 14.495133333333333 12.884 17.0682 Buds 13.589749999999999 10.362 16.8175 Pineapple galls 85.152 85.152 85.152 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 69.80405555555555 48.4175 84.1039 Somatic germinants - normal type 82.441135 63.7517 99.8234 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 28.4242 27.6757 29.7401 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 32.54793333333333 31.2375 34.1167 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 46.223933333333335 45.041 47.2214 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 38.680366666666664 36.689 40.1556 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 46.5659 44.2704 49.1875 Cell culture - solid medium 44.5844 41.2918 49.6359 Somatic embryogenic cell line 2.2570733333333335 0.982809 4.75835