condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	11.5005	11.5005	11.5005
Immature male cones	10.167	10.167	10.167
Cambium and expanding xylem	2.48936	2.48936	2.48936
Cambium	4.161436666666667	2.42794	7.33888
Expanding xylem	3.91191	2.95155	4.94547
Expanding and mature xylem	3.746695	3.43924	3.99652
Maturing xylem	2.77443	2.77443	2.77443
Wood	10.3122	10.0579	10.5665
Bark	9.766938285714286	5.9489	15.433
Bark, healthy	19.53558	15.8447	23.7631
S1 xylem tracheids	1.862015	1.68525	2.16844
S1 whole sections	4.0655875	3.82599	4.50983
S2 ray cells	3.9064525	3.47056	4.15424
S2 xylem tracheids	4.7168175	4.27985	4.9419
S2 whole sections	4.7611075	4.63826	4.88808
Dead late wood	3.64738	3.64738	3.64738
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	4.17296	4.17296	4.17296
Bark, root and butt rot	22.78174	14.181	41.5477
Vegetative shoots - needles	7.00369	6.9223	7.08508
Vegetative shoots - stem	10.9291	10.9291	10.9291
Vegetative shoots	11.147125	5.23355	17.0607
Girdled twig - stem	13.9226	13.9226	13.9226
Dried twig - needles	7.83561	7.83561	7.83561
Girdled twig - needles	9.48338	9.48338	9.48338
Needles	11.11003	6.63977	29.0927
Needles - dawn	8.79183	8.79183	8.79183
Needles - later afternoon	9.99863	9.99863	9.99863
Needles - midday	9.55547	9.55547	9.55547
Needles - night	9.73722	9.73722	9.73722
Light, 1 hour	21.23275	16.7431	27.4887
Light, 3 hours	22.830633333333335	21.0147	25.9656
Light, 5 hours	21.466366666666666	19.2229	25.715
Light, 7 hours	22.638133333333332	20.8474	23.7162
Light, 9 hours	19.497	15.9221	23.1643
Light, 13 hours	18.0795	16.2802	20.9545
Light, 15 hours	20.179666666666666	17.9582	21.3773
Darkness, 1 hour	23.102866666666667	18.1662	26.6683
Darkness, 3 hours	21.569366666666667	19.6456	23.8234
Darkness, 5 hours	20.860599999999998	15.5572	23.6805
Darkness, 7 hours	23.5013	21.3135	24.6303
Darkness, 11 hours	15.113433333333333	10.1057	18.7897
Vegetative buds	16.593799999999998	14.3395	20.4809
Female buds	13.705463333333332	8.52339	17.6358
Male buds	28.637733333333333	24.9178	32.3062
Buds	12.12415	11.8069	12.4414
Pineapple galls	6.44	6.44	6.44
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	7.664776666666667	5.84271	9.95211
Somatic germinants - normal type	9.198357	5.95268	13.9232
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	16.783466666666666	15.913	17.9099
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	24.081133333333334	23.7717	24.3161
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	23.012633333333333	22.2406	23.7183
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	16.0077	15.3451	16.7663
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	13.563966666666666	13.1588	14.1632
Cell culture - solid medium	22.452	21.8042	23.1876
Somatic embryogenic cell line	24.261488888888888	12.0174	30.7562