condition mean min max Immature female cone 2.39604 2.39604 2.39604 Immature male cones 7.5693 7.5693 7.5693 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.393085 0.393085 0.393085 Cambium 0.47914833333333334 0.168971 0.792091 Expanding xylem 0.188529 0.0467702 0.47485 Expanding and mature xylem 0.013801875 0.0 0.0552075 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 0.337701 0.228905 0.446497 Bark 0.16648772857142857 0.0 0.38387 Bark, healthy 0.14685204 0.0724565 0.199294 S1 xylem tracheids 0.0 0.0 0.0 S1 whole sections 0.09412709999999999 0.0 0.141813 S2 ray cells 0.023671475 0.0 0.0490997 S2 xylem tracheids 0.0 0.0 0.0 S2 whole sections 0.298844 0.233428 0.361392 Dead late wood 0.0842656 0.0842656 0.0842656 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.0369775 0.0369775 0.0369775 Bark, root and butt rot 0.07932126 0.0327775 0.153178 Vegetative shoots - needles 0.0 0.0 0.0 Vegetative shoots - stem 0.376375 0.376375 0.376375 Vegetative shoots 1.0403258 0.0201116 2.06054 Girdled twig - stem 1.62974 1.62974 1.62974 Dried twig - needles 0.0 0.0 0.0 Girdled twig - needles 0.0556972 0.0556972 0.0556972 Needles 0.6066222055555556 0.0 1.51025 Needles - dawn 0.0 0.0 0.0 Needles - later afternoon 0.0578406 0.0578406 0.0578406 Needles - midday 0.0 0.0 0.0 Needles - night 0.0187627 0.0187627 0.0187627 Light, 1 hour 0.08531521666666667 0.0 0.182167 Light, 3 hours 0.051165666666666665 0.0 0.153497 Light, 5 hours 0.08010003333333333 0.0 0.148428 Light, 7 hours 0.13359593333333333 0.0313038 0.232973 Light, 9 hours 0.08409346666666667 0.0721809 0.100213 Light, 13 hours 0.06863353333333333 0.0562506 0.0803127 Light, 15 hours 0.06201516666666666 0.0308323 0.0794414 Darkness, 1 hour 0.05567523333333333 0.024456 0.11648 Darkness, 3 hours 0.05311133333333334 0.0 0.107143 Darkness, 5 hours 0.0631205 0.0 0.150984 Darkness, 7 hours 0.0713547 0.0 0.11878 Darkness, 11 hours 0.0727888 0.0383421 0.116196 Vegetative buds 2.1927666666666665 1.48783 2.66847 Female buds 2.8056466666666666 1.64241 3.80182 Male buds 6.711613333333333 5.24488 8.96777 Buds 3.2075699999999996 1.92123 4.49391 Pineapple galls 0.0665531 0.0665531 0.0665531 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 0.09501331666666667 0.0 0.22222 Somatic germinants - normal type 0.240137065 0.0 0.437187 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 0.08497326666666667 0.0543003 0.141041 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 0.24773399999999998 0.139666 0.330767 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 0.3998736666666667 0.284597 0.51064 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 0.08677466666666667 0.025273 0.12367 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 0.05810563333333334 0.0274148 0.100205 Cell culture - solid medium 0.22518133333333334 0.160746 0.315311 Somatic embryogenic cell line 0.21027193333333333 0.0648227 0.407135