condition mean min max Immature female cone 23.5486 23.5486 23.5486 Immature male cones 16.8639 16.8639 16.8639 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.50055 2.50055 2.50055 Cambium 4.336426666666666 1.15874 8.31176 Expanding xylem 3.5644799999999996 2.10258 4.64596 Expanding and mature xylem 5.7313025 1.87041 10.6179 Maturing xylem 7.6346 7.6346 7.6346 Wood 7.173724999999999 6.8363 7.51115 Bark 24.356659999999998 13.6262 39.2741 Bark, healthy 22.6557 19.0247 24.5461 S1 xylem tracheids 2.382145 2.09449 2.66953 S1 whole sections 3.2579249999999997 2.72313 3.96832 S2 ray cells 5.2989975000000005 4.86247 5.81845 S2 xylem tracheids 5.6989075 4.7238 6.23254 S2 whole sections 3.7263924999999998 3.3663 4.00278 Dead late wood 8.67446 8.67446 8.67446 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 16.7439 16.7439 16.7439 Bark, root and butt rot 20.866880000000002 18.1929 24.1949 Vegetative shoots - needles 144.16449999999998 138.819 149.51 Vegetative shoots - stem 30.0531 30.0531 30.0531 Vegetative shoots 68.9854 42.6837 95.2871 Girdled twig - stem 28.0159 28.0159 28.0159 Dried twig - needles 29.0856 29.0856 29.0856 Girdled twig - needles 67.0127 67.0127 67.0127 Needles 159.38136666666665 36.6594 316.037 Needles - dawn 149.239 149.239 149.239 Needles - later afternoon 169.607 169.607 169.607 Needles - midday 132.332 132.332 132.332 Needles - night 182.56 182.56 182.56 Light, 1 hour 192.12333333333333 162.648 228.309 Light, 3 hours 216.036 148.612 317.821 Light, 5 hours 187.25766666666667 160.763 213.576 Light, 7 hours 187.31466666666668 149.866 220.973 Light, 9 hours 196.32766666666666 150.781 241.771 Light, 13 hours 166.51733333333334 134.578 185.774 Light, 15 hours 216.18599999999998 180.982 281.198 Darkness, 1 hour 151.819 128.968 172.09 Darkness, 3 hours 184.16 156.275 209.635 Darkness, 5 hours 140.76133333333334 108.668 174.274 Darkness, 7 hours 184.55833333333334 148.869 217.629 Darkness, 11 hours 136.8232 70.3466 196.984 Vegetative buds 9.388606666666666 8.81495 9.89299 Female buds 13.521596666666667 7.17489 18.8804 Male buds 17.93606666666667 17.3683 18.303 Buds 17.15925 14.4268 19.8917 Pineapple galls 75.3621 75.3621 75.3621 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 74.42877222222222 60.792 89.7654 Somatic germinants - normal type 98.49275 80.8739 129.069 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 171.84866666666667 169.604 176.311 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 105.08933333333333 103.59 106.038 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 128.13666666666666 124.431 135.283 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 137.131 123.439 158.47 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 181.90933333333334 179.044 184.274 Cell culture - solid medium 124.557 113.821 134.781 Somatic embryogenic cell line 27.48301111111111 13.4093 38.0208