condition mean min max Immature female cone 14.6191 14.6191 14.6191 Immature male cones 30.1463 30.1463 30.1463 Cambium and expanding xylem 137.92 137.92 137.92 Cambium 204.157 174.456 258.384 Expanding xylem 74.530125 57.7275 83.1131 Expanding and mature xylem 77.93645000000001 71.1099 92.1435 Maturing xylem 85.0538 85.0538 85.0538 Wood 111.04400000000001 110.18 111.908 Bark 9.432509428571429 3.26474 20.503 Bark, healthy 263.0604 164.684 386.08 S1 xylem tracheids 49.780475 46.1978 54.6282 S1 whole sections 30.308975 28.2305 32.577 S2 ray cells 25.0715 23.4884 26.1156 S2 xylem tracheids 53.45035 51.8297 54.2847 S2 whole sections 38.7121 34.5508 41.203 Dead late wood 270.113 270.113 270.113 Phloem and cambium 30.0079 30.0079 30.0079 Dear early and late wood 91.4541 91.4541 91.4541 Bark, root and butt rot 292.9656 232.349 355.742 Vegetative shoots - needles 11.575545 8.42589 14.7252 Vegetative shoots - stem 63.6944 63.6944 63.6944 Vegetative shoots 14.810005 8.85391 20.7661 Girdled twig - stem 14.4947 14.4947 14.4947 Dried twig - needles 38.1616 38.1616 38.1616 Girdled twig - needles 12.4086 12.4086 12.4086 Needles 49.557009444444446 5.37459 123.566 Needles - dawn 5.67615 5.67615 5.67615 Needles - later afternoon 6.57832 6.57832 6.57832 Needles - midday 7.248 7.248 7.248 Needles - night 7.04648 7.04648 7.04648 Light, 1 hour 141.38466666666667 120.122 168.947 Light, 3 hours 140.97566666666665 122.148 154.201 Light, 5 hours 120.477 67.926 188.913 Light, 7 hours 98.033 64.0597 163.661 Light, 9 hours 90.8192 69.4253 103.669 Light, 13 hours 77.08063333333334 54.7617 106.707 Light, 15 hours 86.0907 70.9059 102.345 Darkness, 1 hour 79.4242 48.977 123.059 Darkness, 3 hours 109.82130000000001 84.1879 142.443 Darkness, 5 hours 142.54033333333334 112.697 184.164 Darkness, 7 hours 150.91133333333335 125.566 177.69 Darkness, 11 hours 81.60563333333333 61.8362 104.841 Vegetative buds 147.0658 65.1624 237.111 Female buds 48.357933333333335 40.804 56.9755 Male buds 20.477833333333333 15.07 25.6087 Buds 73.2676 31.0842 115.451 Pineapple galls 30.9129 30.9129 30.9129 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 87.77398333333333 64.0066 115.474 Somatic germinants - normal type 69.31307 37.8093 143.973 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 75.1805 59.1909 85.6663 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 770.0953333333333 696.068 850.162 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 357.389 345.408 376.82 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 106.47296666666666 84.6143 139.044 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 88.4382 78.744 95.1601 Cell culture - solid medium 258.11133333333333 243.07 271.763 Somatic embryogenic cell line 130.3430888888889 94.9348 186.532