condition mean min max Immature female cone 16.487 16.487 16.487 Immature male cones 34.015 34.015 34.015 Cambium and expanding xylem 11.8509 11.8509 11.8509 Cambium 18.3427 12.9078 27.1309 Expanding xylem 12.034175 10.6042 14.0689 Expanding and mature xylem 9.4167875 6.23281 11.6633 Maturing xylem 12.5177 12.5177 12.5177 Wood 21.7965 15.1402 28.4528 Bark 23.43135714285714 12.599 39.9924 Bark, healthy 146.65521999999999 67.2591 297.847 S1 xylem tracheids 13.708425 12.6858 15.4193 S1 whole sections 14.474450000000001 12.5591 16.0911 S2 ray cells 16.93255 15.1925 19.2543 S2 xylem tracheids 17.044625 16.0566 18.7542 S2 whole sections 16.9183 15.033 18.5278 Dead late wood 6.9765 6.9765 6.9765 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 18.9252 18.9252 18.9252 Bark, root and butt rot 188.87558 60.6789 329.024 Vegetative shoots - needles 13.96375 10.6358 17.2917 Vegetative shoots - stem 41.0231 41.0231 41.0231 Vegetative shoots 24.078400000000002 22.2514 25.9054 Girdled twig - stem 16.3026 16.3026 16.3026 Dried twig - needles 21.8394 21.8394 21.8394 Girdled twig - needles 13.1817 13.1817 13.1817 Needles 30.739466111111113 8.51527 67.8807 Needles - dawn 13.1461 13.1461 13.1461 Needles - later afternoon 13.3988 13.3988 13.3988 Needles - midday 11.0354 11.0354 11.0354 Needles - night 11.8152 11.8152 11.8152 Light, 1 hour 30.771566666666665 22.953 35.1804 Light, 3 hours 21.121033333333333 18.0226 26.5195 Light, 5 hours 26.237433333333332 23.1621 31.8848 Light, 7 hours 27.5315 17.9063 36.4333 Light, 9 hours 25.42686666666667 23.5831 26.8014 Light, 13 hours 26.592766666666666 19.8805 30.4122 Light, 15 hours 25.609733333333335 22.0457 27.5042 Darkness, 1 hour 28.310333333333332 24.9106 30.1729 Darkness, 3 hours 31.012666666666664 25.4676 36.4678 Darkness, 5 hours 26.488 22.8191 32.387 Darkness, 7 hours 30.4342 27.5474 33.4752 Darkness, 11 hours 20.9592 13.6596 27.0628 Vegetative buds 26.001666666666665 21.9635 31.3968 Female buds 21.977 10.5637 28.7668 Male buds 31.097133333333332 26.4714 33.6074 Buds 51.17515 31.8584 70.4919 Pineapple galls 20.8157 20.8157 20.8157 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 33.27729444444444 27.7221 40.7713 Somatic germinants - normal type 36.78345 27.6357 49.6317 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 22.962799999999998 20.4346 25.3357 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 22.6988 21.078 23.8271 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 22.4233 21.4587 22.9117 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 19.296333333333333 17.884 21.6215 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 24.7872 23.6942 25.6547 Cell culture - solid medium 23.434433333333335 22.7453 24.2857 Somatic embryogenic cell line 16.62357 5.91653 20.2316