condition mean min max Immature female cone 31.912 31.912 31.912 Immature male cones 20.898 20.898 20.898 Cambium and expanding xylem 61.8289 61.8289 61.8289 Cambium 31.093866666666667 26.6329 39.9976 Expanding xylem 128.87959999999998 96.2434 163.375 Expanding and mature xylem 60.1981 16.2579 78.5771 Maturing xylem 11.2399 11.2399 11.2399 Wood 42.785399999999996 42.7795 42.7913 Bark 21.46850285714286 11.6945 35.4021 Bark, healthy 29.29254 20.8653 42.7062 S1 xylem tracheids 89.39405 88.3405 92.1687 S1 whole sections 76.415425 75.1529 77.6341 S2 ray cells 64.070175 62.9266 65.28 S2 xylem tracheids 85.962225 84.6432 87.7004 S2 whole sections 62.6867 60.1425 65.9809 Dead late wood 5.38651 5.38651 5.38651 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 12.8169 12.8169 12.8169 Bark, root and butt rot 35.64556 27.8564 39.9195 Vegetative shoots - needles 28.222749999999998 23.4537 32.9918 Vegetative shoots - stem 28.6853 28.6853 28.6853 Vegetative shoots 67.73685 24.6427 110.831 Girdled twig - stem 21.6504 21.6504 21.6504 Dried twig - needles 8.09478 8.09478 8.09478 Girdled twig - needles 14.1167 14.1167 14.1167 Needles 124.49271666666667 5.8178 222.56 Needles - dawn 14.7483 14.7483 14.7483 Needles - later afternoon 13.253 13.253 13.253 Needles - midday 14.3025 14.3025 14.3025 Needles - night 13.3354 13.3354 13.3354 Light, 1 hour 45.42301666666667 41.0647 49.0598 Light, 3 hours 35.6886 29.0775 40.9702 Light, 5 hours 42.4491 32.9922 49.2593 Light, 7 hours 34.99943333333333 30.2439 38.6003 Light, 9 hours 25.82 17.3717 30.9083 Light, 13 hours 34.401 29.498 39.7182 Light, 15 hours 34.85316666666667 32.1924 36.538 Darkness, 1 hour 42.8152 38.4189 51.0749 Darkness, 3 hours 37.343466666666664 28.7919 47.692 Darkness, 5 hours 34.3093 28.0809 39.0571 Darkness, 7 hours 55.12403333333333 49.6767 60.2103 Darkness, 11 hours 28.683233333333334 18.8577 40.5681 Vegetative buds 15.750166666666667 12.2982 19.4613 Female buds 7.787913333333333 4.83203 10.3168 Male buds 6.5825000000000005 5.99897 7.40453 Buds 71.22095 68.1091 74.3328 Pineapple galls 123.581 123.581 123.581 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 29.825583333333334 26.4089 34.3819 Somatic germinants - normal type 35.000565 27.2241 45.3972 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 20.696466666666666 20.3781 21.2779 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 11.156233333333333 10.0406 12.5027 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 7.44042 6.39568 8.47315 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 17.286866666666665 16.6049 18.147 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 24.131033333333335 23.2058 24.8611 Cell culture - solid medium 18.549366666666668 17.0315 19.5654 Somatic embryogenic cell line 12.983991111111111 5.67662 17.3683