condition mean min max Immature female cone 19.9996 19.9996 19.9996 Immature male cones 17.1784 17.1784 17.1784 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.62484 2.62484 2.62484 Cambium 3.4747733333333333 1.74094 5.86379 Expanding xylem 2.1512569999999998 0.967208 3.23263 Expanding and mature xylem 0.711792 0.0 1.86348 Maturing xylem 2.39875 2.39875 2.39875 Wood 19.98135 19.0487 20.914 Bark 14.139472285714286 7.88141 22.6607 Bark, healthy 8.970944 5.85439 13.4404 S1 xylem tracheids 8.703295 8.28805 8.9876 S1 whole sections 3.8058199999999998 3.1807 4.65472 S2 ray cells 15.697675 14.5929 16.7791 S2 xylem tracheids 10.831150000000001 10.4665 11.0263 S2 whole sections 4.216545 3.17229 4.8342 Dead late wood 3.08649 3.08649 3.08649 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 3.77763 3.77763 3.77763 Bark, root and butt rot 10.44897 6.13983 15.0994 Vegetative shoots - needles 15.231449999999999 11.6901 18.7728 Vegetative shoots - stem 21.058 21.058 21.058 Vegetative shoots 23.88445 19.3647 28.4042 Girdled twig - stem 21.4093 21.4093 21.4093 Dried twig - needles 11.2903 11.2903 11.2903 Girdled twig - needles 14.6754 14.6754 14.6754 Needles 20.600272222222223 10.8463 39.2939 Needles - dawn 17.7198 17.7198 17.7198 Needles - later afternoon 15.0354 15.0354 15.0354 Needles - midday 17.6771 17.6771 17.6771 Needles - night 13.073 13.073 13.073 Light, 1 hour 11.20024 8.88214 14.0501 Light, 3 hours 10.22309 9.01707 11.4942 Light, 5 hours 10.808936666666666 9.48821 11.5329 Light, 7 hours 11.373866666666666 10.9851 12.1184 Light, 9 hours 10.28685 8.79816 12.4518 Light, 13 hours 10.322243333333333 8.36793 11.753 Light, 15 hours 10.39161 9.94233 10.8996 Darkness, 1 hour 11.232333333333333 10.1648 13.0843 Darkness, 3 hours 12.4209 12.0088 12.9133 Darkness, 5 hours 10.760826666666667 9.39058 12.2052 Darkness, 7 hours 12.479733333333334 11.0227 13.2923 Darkness, 11 hours 8.089773333333333 5.56786 9.35448 Vegetative buds 24.4238 21.7844 28.0098 Female buds 18.9647 10.7139 26.4619 Male buds 27.874599999999997 23.6684 32.6958 Buds 23.2397 21.861 24.6184 Pineapple galls 17.212 17.212 17.212 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 12.235536666666667 9.66186 15.892 Somatic germinants - normal type 13.839015 10.0959 18.9944 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 14.6962 13.9892 15.3659 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 20.9729 20.17 22.4313 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 24.344066666666667 22.9388 25.3716 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 17.45093333333333 15.6518 18.8793 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 19.224233333333334 18.7438 19.9011 Cell culture - solid medium 24.845100000000002 23.6519 26.0573 Somatic embryogenic cell line 15.358477777777779 7.2116 18.7923