condition mean min max Immature female cone 3.19043 3.19043 3.19043 Immature male cones 3.50839 3.50839 3.50839 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.0770132 0.0770132 0.0770132 Cambium 1.05615 0.2204 1.66245 Expanding xylem 0.49147725 0.0 0.985655 Expanding and mature xylem 0.2717675 0.0 1.08707 Maturing xylem 1.15933 1.15933 1.15933 Wood 5.31306 3.53303 7.09309 Bark 4.482362571428571 2.09236 7.19445 Bark, healthy 3.196174 1.51169 5.70441 S1 xylem tracheids 1.7650925 1.5272 2.20618 S1 whole sections 0.27130975 0.172636 0.505541 S2 ray cells 1.3149125 1.0192 1.6736 S2 xylem tracheids 0.6362395 0.374569 1.00129 S2 whole sections 0.357569 0.254437 0.524146 Dead late wood 2.544 2.544 2.544 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 1.39545 1.39545 1.39545 Bark, root and butt rot 3.478408 2.28341 5.39212 Vegetative shoots - needles 7.82417 6.86661 8.78173 Vegetative shoots - stem 7.17816 7.17816 7.17816 Vegetative shoots 5.550705000000001 3.74587 7.35554 Girdled twig - stem 8.67349 8.67349 8.67349 Dried twig - needles 6.18941 6.18941 6.18941 Girdled twig - needles 7.00631 7.00631 7.00631 Needles 2.674927277777778 0.900511 5.64152 Needles - dawn 6.40412 6.40412 6.40412 Needles - later afternoon 5.46868 5.46868 5.46868 Needles - midday 4.88344 4.88344 4.88344 Needles - night 5.91576 5.91576 5.91576 Light, 1 hour 8.70841 7.17336 10.1174 Light, 3 hours 7.991283333333333 6.46533 8.8586 Light, 5 hours 8.100916666666667 6.57707 9.85957 Light, 7 hours 8.030543333333334 6.27333 10.8226 Light, 9 hours 8.471766666666667 6.19157 10.2368 Light, 13 hours 8.280809999999999 7.47009 9.51826 Light, 15 hours 8.350206666666667 7.16894 9.17796 Darkness, 1 hour 7.469013333333334 5.30397 9.76505 Darkness, 3 hours 8.900463333333335 8.25951 9.26829 Darkness, 5 hours 8.187973333333334 6.21361 10.7983 Darkness, 7 hours 10.474186666666666 9.42702 12.2907 Darkness, 11 hours 6.5505933333333335 4.48087 8.27519 Vegetative buds 12.045440000000001 9.83472 15.2735 Female buds 9.765406666666665 6.57152 12.4836 Male buds 14.760766666666667 12.2433 18.683 Buds 6.794595 6.71478 6.87441 Pineapple galls 3.34876 3.34876 3.34876 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 3.8705183333333335 3.10259 4.908 Somatic germinants - normal type 3.9976575 2.20989 5.82367 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 20.3568 18.4756 22.0485 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 21.83353333333333 21.0993 22.3749 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 20.013066666666667 18.0563 21.8347 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 18.815633333333334 17.5675 21.1521 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 15.846066666666667 14.7177 16.6881 Cell culture - solid medium 17.94976666666667 17.0396 18.8851 Somatic embryogenic cell line 4.837172222222222 2.53529 6.23407