condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.033934233333333334 0.0 0.05213330000000001 Male Gametophyte 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 0.20109616666666666 0.0526605 0.375192 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.017717999999999998 0.0 0.05315399999999999 Sporophyte 3.18601 3.18601 3.18601 Seedling, sporophyte 2.64695 2.4806 2.8133 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.64698 1.65415 3.6398099999999998 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 8.989855 8.7266 9.253110000000001 Whole plant 22.736166666666666 20.1832 24.9076 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 20.65843333333333 18.2947 24.836 Callus 49.3456 49.3456 49.3456 Differentiating Callus 73.06413333333333 63.5895 85.3848 Proliferating Callus 123.64333333333333 110.285 134.063 Bulbil 2.70764 2.70764 2.70764 Leaf 9.26268101025641 0.0 109.103 Leaf (without leaf tip) 2.3581000000000003 2.22371 2.4532700000000003 Leaf Tip 3.2803633333333333 2.79833 3.8559900000000003 Root 7.604760000000001 7.604760000000001 7.604760000000001 Root (without root tip) 2.10644 1.58595 2.68993 Root Tip 27.38243333333333 18.2901 35.9038 Differentiated root 13.057216666666667 7.72285 20.7624 Shoot Apex 4.3387199999999995 4.3387199999999995 4.3387199999999995 Shoot 0.45848066666666665 0.1719 0.683492 Shoot Tip 6.386383333333333 6.29857 6.5086699999999995 Vegetative Frond 23.2451 23.2451 23.2451 Frond 0.0341578 0.0 0.100428