condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.6279623333333334 0.294883 0.938628 Male Gametophyte 2.1099326666666665 0.983568 3.12882 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 1.3529347777777778 0.795333 2.08987 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 2.58823 2.5230099999999998 2.67483 Sporophyte 0.6017020000000001 0.6017020000000001 0.6017020000000001 Seedling, sporophyte 1.0610055 0.5970810000000001 1.52493 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 1.29862 1.07683 1.52041 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.871895 2.56303 3.18076 Whole plant 2.69461 2.10703 2.9986200000000003 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 3.1198433333333333 2.87135 3.60886 Callus 1.1354799999999998 1.1354799999999998 1.1354799999999998 Differentiating Callus 2.3816433333333333 1.67238 3.24039 Proliferating Callus 3.5827166666666668 2.70103 4.78995 Bulbil 0.274445 0.274445 0.274445 Leaf 1.0072600487179488 0.0 5.931780000000001 Leaf (without leaf tip) 0.47681633333333334 0.337206 0.636945 Leaf Tip 0.6358199999999999 0.564699 0.740915 Root 2.1276 2.1276 2.1276 Root (without root tip) 4.220280000000001 3.9527300000000003 4.688680000000001 Root Tip 3.5696105 0.444453 6.6678 Differentiated root 5.3719866666666665 5.0092 5.77149 Shoot Apex 0.638021 0.638021 0.638021 Shoot 0.13198733333333332 0.03517 0.244719 Shoot Tip 0.836316 0.71926 1.0393299999999999 Vegetative Frond 1.15996 1.15996 1.15996 Frond 2.005711888888889 0.11434200000000001 7.8563