condition mean min max Gametophyte 7.056603333333333 3.4403599999999996 9.20544 Male Gametophyte 17.534933333333335 15.7581 19.6748 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 14.407944444444444 11.4403 17.6224 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 25.12223333333333 22.016 27.7247 Sporophyte 22.5693 22.5693 22.5693 Seedling, sporophyte 12.5304 12.3229 12.7379 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 12.645800000000001 11.2626 14.029000000000002 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 11.096 10.6618 11.5302 Whole plant 20.296166666666668 19.7936 20.8977 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 19.3327 18.7771 20.336 Callus 9.604610000000001 9.604610000000001 9.604610000000001 Differentiating Callus 13.831266666666666 12.7592 15.4578 Proliferating Callus 12.915533333333332 11.0621 13.8822 Bulbil 2.13153 2.13153 2.13153 Leaf 8.088464641025642 0.61657 19.6296 Leaf (without leaf tip) 7.9405833333333335 7.559 8.13766 Leaf Tip 22.69333333333333 21.4609 24.0444 Root 2.0526400000000002 2.0526400000000002 2.0526400000000002 Root (without root tip) 9.660453333333333 7.65866 10.9178 Root Tip 11.82763 7.0421 14.5791 Differentiated root 8.94093 8.56137 9.555710000000001 Shoot Apex 18.4601 18.4601 18.4601 Shoot 5.95471 4.9452 7.410010000000001 Shoot Tip 18.595266666666667 16.7236 19.6059 Vegetative Frond 10.2641 10.2641 10.2641 Frond 9.575036666666666 5.04246 15.8301