condition mean min max Gametophyte 37.921 22.2751 55.0057 Male Gametophyte 65.49203333333334 61.3326 70.9607 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 58.34186666666667 50.0563 65.5189 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 103.76863333333333 97.2229 110.35 Sporophyte 33.0781 33.0781 33.0781 Seedling, sporophyte 29.06625 28.5934 29.5391 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 34.202200000000005 33.0505 35.3539 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 43.07605 42.7434 43.4087 Whole plant 77.05056666666667 71.4022 82.2522 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 75.78516666666667 73.7289 79.7626 Callus 59.6075 59.6075 59.6075 Differentiating Callus 111.8547 99.5491 121.738 Proliferating Callus 124.46533333333333 122.025 125.92 Bulbil 13.9325 13.9325 13.9325 Leaf 30.641817435897437 2.60723 112.89200000000001 Leaf (without leaf tip) 17.0265 16.3035 18.3254 Leaf Tip 31.970533333333332 30.2261 33.086 Root 67.9088 67.9088 67.9088 Root (without root tip) 130.4103333333333 127.955 134.72299999999998 Root Tip 130.823 116.63799999999999 147.012 Differentiated root 121.05366666666667 106.402 130.02200000000002 Shoot Apex 34.8375 34.8375 34.8375 Shoot 15.948133333333335 11.6866 19.646 Shoot Tip 48.4677 47.4489 49.9151 Vegetative Frond 70.9951 70.9951 70.9951 Frond 14.87786925925926 7.849130000000001 21.526999999999997