condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.93857 2.12951 5.2197 Male Gametophyte 9.028613333333334 8.47601 9.89675 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 5.880831111111111 4.81986 6.892519999999999 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 7.4074366666666664 6.658639999999999 7.9828399999999995 Sporophyte 7.194710000000001 7.194710000000001 7.194710000000001 Seedling, sporophyte 3.971625 3.8199300000000003 4.12332 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 4.37582 4.18225 4.56939 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 4.005585 3.7282 4.28297 Whole plant 8.97354 8.964789999999999 8.98114 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 8.253833333333333 7.85325 8.87091 Callus 5.312819999999999 5.312819999999999 5.312819999999999 Differentiating Callus 7.689756666666667 6.57172 8.5854 Proliferating Callus 7.354933333333333 6.24868 9.41912 Bulbil 0.483605 0.483605 0.483605 Leaf 2.729792076923077 0.111648 9.66409 Leaf (without leaf tip) 2.71596 2.3777 3.05587 Leaf Tip 8.02037 7.19642 8.77453 Root 1.1804700000000001 1.1804700000000001 1.1804700000000001 Root (without root tip) 2.2651566666666665 2.1935 2.39657 Root Tip 6.860638333333333 4.30319 8.09185 Differentiated root 4.5741966666666665 4.04467 5.16632 Shoot Apex 4.3679 4.3679 4.3679 Shoot 2.6380033333333333 2.41574 3.0680099999999997 Shoot Tip 7.579783333333334 7.175910000000001 8.35218 Vegetative Frond 5.05889 5.05889 5.05889 Frond 3.2127981481481482 1.7379099999999998 4.39719