condition mean min max Gametophyte 6.2435133333333335 2.1551400000000003 10.3139 Male Gametophyte 15.776443333333333 7.629230000000001 25.6282 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 9.755755555555556 3.57966 27.2896 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 14.408466666666667 11.545 17.559 Sporophyte 4.810969999999999 4.810969999999999 4.810969999999999 Seedling, sporophyte 3.7454 3.3955900000000003 4.09521 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 6.04503 5.98464 6.10542 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 6.6675949999999995 6.4186 6.916589999999999 Whole plant 14.634 13.4954 15.7384 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 19.623066666666666 17.9536 21.7752 Callus 8.7427 8.7427 8.7427 Differentiating Callus 12.915433333333334 11.6735 14.5737 Proliferating Callus 19.6143 18.6659 20.9017 Bulbil 1.47433 1.47433 1.47433 Leaf 6.996493974358974 0.10288 28.2247 Leaf (without leaf tip) 7.433446666666667 7.27274 7.55898 Leaf Tip 5.367606666666666 4.812119999999999 6.2859 Root 7.762560000000001 7.762560000000001 7.762560000000001 Root (without root tip) 15.678266666666667 12.8984 20.6374 Root Tip 13.23873 5.49708 16.8237 Differentiated root 39.77636666666667 17.8798 52.0979 Shoot Apex 7.39213 7.39213 7.39213 Shoot 8.748553333333334 5.5757699999999994 12.5724 Shoot Tip 8.611576666666666 8.050460000000001 9.67752 Vegetative Frond 4.63005 4.63005 4.63005 Frond 11.026432592592593 3.12838 20.8683