condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.5142553333333333 0.663826 2.41485 Male Gametophyte 1.4390833333333333 1.04519 1.7888099999999998 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 2.4722233333333334 1.47889 3.22483 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 6.771696666666667 6.13215 7.162560000000001 Sporophyte 16.8563 16.8563 16.8563 Seedling, sporophyte 3.49694 2.86552 4.12836 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 3.358015 3.25303 3.463 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 3.822615 3.7466 3.8986300000000003 Whole plant 5.207136666666667 4.815840000000001 5.57629 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 4.865443333333333 4.30044 5.14991 Callus 6.5887899999999995 6.5887899999999995 6.5887899999999995 Differentiating Callus 14.830433333333334 13.648 17.0206 Proliferating Callus 13.996433333333334 12.6476 15.2392 Bulbil 3.0988900000000004 3.0988900000000004 3.0988900000000004 Leaf 2.981124835897436 0.06619900000000001 16.7102 Leaf (without leaf tip) 1.2866 1.22245 1.36558 Leaf Tip 16.9289 16.8357 17.0907 Root 2.39245 2.39245 2.39245 Root (without root tip) 0.7955266666666666 0.551652 1.00013 Root Tip 9.483425 5.10475 13.9279 Differentiated root 1.5225033333333333 1.34623 1.6637400000000002 Shoot Apex 6.01276 6.01276 6.01276 Shoot 0.8828976666666667 0.520279 1.31893 Shoot Tip 16.5568 16.1573 16.7748 Vegetative Frond 6.267 6.267 6.267 Frond 0.26912077037037035 0.0666745 0.775312