condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.0962 0.827723 1.53708 Male Gametophyte 36.080466666666666 21.1177 50.7072 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 29.372622222222223 22.7011 42.9792 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 1.2277053333333334 0.608196 1.5671700000000002 Sporophyte 5.6026 5.6026 5.6026 Seedling, sporophyte 14.8352 14.6128 15.0576 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 28.212600000000002 27.6064 28.8188 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 28.9595 27.2615 30.6575 Whole plant 38.410466666666665 35.5421 42.0882 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 51.235366666666664 48.7671 53.9686 Callus 9.58892 9.58892 9.58892 Differentiating Callus 28.934133333333335 26.589000000000002 33.4012 Proliferating Callus 42.20616666666667 32.0217 51.8884 Bulbil 11.0178 11.0178 11.0178 Leaf 21.73885586153846 0.0 77.1332 Leaf (without leaf tip) 25.55356666666667 24.2773 27.0818 Leaf Tip 5.606713333333333 5.25517 5.96103 Root 71.7763 71.7763 71.7763 Root (without root tip) 147.16899999999998 145.175 150.07399999999998 Root Tip 85.80161666666666 59.9214 107.18799999999999 Differentiated root 146.0108 77.1274 198.705 Shoot Apex 20.9002 20.9002 20.9002 Shoot 13.423166666666667 11.4449 17.0905 Shoot Tip 17.2928 16.8126 17.5518 Vegetative Frond 14.9443 14.9443 14.9443 Frond 27.60646296296296 11.4035 54.6696